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I tapped my foot impatiently as I looked out the window from the backseat of my car. Grumbling once more to myself I cursed the annoying traffic that had me stuck over an hour away from my most coveted destination.

It had already been four days since I last had the chance to swing by the company to check in on Arthit. With my schedule getting busier by the day, the gaps between my trips to his cubicle getting longer and longer.

And you know what was not helping at all? Kite running constant interference. Now I get why he scowled like Scrooge McDuck every time he heard I was making my way to see Arthit, after all I was the one who did everything in my power to conceal my identity. In fact Kite had asked me more than once what exactly was my intention with hanging around Arthit every chance I got. To be entirely honest, I didn't really know myself. I mean I wanted to have sex with him again. Obviously. Actually I wanted to bed him so badly I can't believe I haven't jumped his bones bang in the middle of the office already. Going to see him every chance I got almost becoming a compulsion.

Yet I hadn't really made any overt move on him. And I didn't know if I really was even planning to.

Was my identity more precious to me than my attraction to Arthit? Perhaps.

I hadn't completely made up my mind just yet. But as long as I knew who and where Arthit was, working right under my nose, somehow the sense of anxiety hadn't set in. Every time I found myself getting unreasonably horny I would jump out of my seat and rush towards that one tiny company that has seen the face of their elusive CEO one too many times to be normal.

Today was definitely one of those days.

Damn, if I don't get there soon I am going to miss him for the day.

Adjusting the tightness in my pants at the mere thought of seeing him again I grumbled some more, throwing a quick glance at my watch, the tapping of my feet just got that much quicker, wishing for the car to move any faster than a snail crawling.

When the car finally pulled in front of the building, I rushed out of the seat as my feet hurried towards that gorgeous face I have been seeing in my fantasies a little too much, just about to enter the sliding doors when something uber weird caught my eye.

Right across the street from me, I saw a scene play out that was directly responsible for my heart palpitations.

Standing, with his arms crossed on his chest, a deep frown on his face, he was giving off a death glare to some man standing in front of him. The stranger talking to him in an animated manner, the arms waving all over the place as they found them on Arthit's arms and chest a little too often.

Who the hell is this character now?

Standing over a foot taller than Arthit, dressed in tight black jeans and an even tighter snug white t-shirt, one arm entirely covered in tattoos, a rather prominent stud earring hanging from his lobe, he looked like the polar opposite of the well dressed, subdued Arthit right next to him.

A growl escaping my lips when I saw the man suddenly reach out and grip Arthit's shoulders before pulling him into his chest for a hug. Probably the only reason I had not already found my self gliding to that side of the road to snatch them away from each other was cause Arthit himself shoved the stranger away. The scowl marring his normally perfect features while he was rather obviously chiding the person I had never ever seen before. Except whoever the guy Arthit was talking to was having the most unexpected reaction to being scolded. The more Arthit got agitated, the more the man chuckled.

And I can swear on to the very last penny in my bank account that there is absolutely nothing I have wanted to know more than the conversation I was currently witnessing. As if the odd pair half arguing half laughing wasn't confusing enough for me, my irritation only grew when my attention was suddenly snatched away by my incessantly buzzing phone. Infact I would have completely ignored the annoyance if it wasn't the one person I actually desperately needed to talk to right now.

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