Have I ever mentioned that I like sex?
I mean I really like sex.
And I really, really like sex with Arthit.
But turns out I like the actual man even more.
So when seven months ago it finally struck me that at that particular moment Arthit needed a friend a lot more than an overly possessive lover who controlled his life rather than supported him I knew what I had to do. And hence that is what I was going to be. The best freaking friend he could ever wish for.
Except I didn't imagine that it would be so! fucking! hard!
How the fuck did I think my horny ass was going to survive being by his side day and night without imagining jumping his bones every second of the day. Well, I don't really think I am cause I swear I have developed carpal tunnel syndrome with the amount I jerk off my own dick on the daily for the last half year. Is it too late to figure out how to become ambidextrous?
And yet no matter how much I missed the physical aspect of our relationship, all my horniness instantly evaporated whenever I held the poor, lost boy in my arms while he was crying his eyeballs out after another fight with his brother.
But, by God, did the boy make it so effing hard to maintain that line between friendship and me wanting to desperately throw him over my shoulder, march to the closest horizontal surface and fuck him till we had no juice left in either of our balls.
Although, I have to admit that no matter how much I tried to remind myself that we were on the 'friend only' zone at least for now he kept doing things, perhaps even subconsciously, that made it next to impossible to not get at least a tiny amount of hint that he might be dropping.
I mean, let's look at that time about four-ish months ago when Arthit had come over to my place for dinner and a movie. And for the most part, it was a perfectly pleasant night, other than the semi-permanent hard on I constantly walk around with ofcourse. Barring that, I had fantasized about him and my bedroom less than three times that evening, which in my book is a big freaking achievement. But then he went ahead and got all tipsy with one glass of wine and decided to cuddle right up against my body. Practically stuck to my side as he began dozing off right in the middle of the movie, pressing his supple body against mine, obviously making my heartbeat instantly go in overdrive.
And if this wasn't torture enough, the sleepy boy then goes on to put me in the seventh level of hell when he nuzzled his face in the crook of my shoulder, still mostly asleep, while snaking a wandering arm around my waist. But it didn't even end there. Barely able to suck the blood up from my engorged dick back to my brain, I was desperately trying to figure how to move him away from me before I die of palpitations, when I heard him softly moan my name. A moan I have heard many, many times while we were doing things that decidedly didn't involve sleeping. And just as I was about to pick up my jaw from the floor, the barely awake boy let his limp arm fall that landed bang over my overly erect crotch.
Now, I will be lying when I say that I didn't cum at least a little bit in my pants while Arthit began softly snoring right in my ear, while I contemplated how in heaven's name would I be able to continue being just a friend.
Oh, and then there was that other time a couple of months ago when Arthit was being unnaturally irritable all week. Snapping at me with every other sentence and then immediately apologizing right after. Not that I blame him, of course. Sometimes it's ok to be in a shitty mood when life is beating you down. And with him still refusing to accept any of my money he was working multiple jobs all while trying to juggle his brother and college. So like the awesome friend that I was, I naturally decided I must go over to cheer him up. Which is exactly what I did late Friday night after I knew he had made it home all safe and secure. My arms loaded with various kinds of chocolates and fruits and all sorts of sugary drinks I excitedly knocked on his door and waited. Ready to finally see a happy smile on his face.

Blindfolded [Complete]
FanfictionA little something raunchy. Just cause. ***Warnings*** Sex. Prostitution. BDSM.