Did I really think a person like Kong would simply take my decision of ending the contract without even a simple explanation, lying down? Even I wasn't as naive as that. Obviously I knew there would be at least some amount of pursuing to figure out what the fuck was I suddenly spouting. What I didn't realize was just how freaking persistent the man can be.
I mean sure I expected him to call and message to find out what was going on. And honestly, as soon as I figured it all out myself I would have told him myself. What I hadn't expected was seeing him at every turn, around every corner, simply waiting for me.
The first thing when I saw every time I stepped out of my college was him casually leaning against his car, looking all suave and...and expensive. As if just seeing him standing there for me was not conflicting enough, I was even more confused at the raging jealousy surging through me at the various sets of eyes ogling at him so shamelessly.
But what was even more surprising than his showing up outside my university daily, or my weird reaction to seeing him after unceremoniously ending our contract was the fact that he made no attempts to actually talk to me. Perhaps it was that he didn't want to reveal our supposed relationship to the world. Or maybe he was testing me in his own weird way. Whatever it was, he kept his distance. Probably looking at me from behind his dark sunglasses, waiting until I stepped inside the bus that took me home, before sitting back in his own car and driving away. Every couple of days I would also notice him around my apartment building as I ran around for odd jobs or errands. But once again the man was almost the definition of aloof. Never once coming close enough to even talk to me.
Why the fuck was this man such a bloody enigma? And why is it that no matter how much I tried I never managed to figure him out. I had probably come up with a hundred different excuses for my behavior. Thought of every answer for all his potential questions. Run over the conversation in my head over and over again. No matter what he came up with, I was surely ready with a response.
But the one thing I wasn't prepared for was... was this. What did any of this even mean? Was he ok with me ending the contract so abruptly? If yes then why the hell was he haunting my shadow every day. But then if he was not ok why wasn't he just trying and talking to me like I had expected. At least that I was prepared for. How is it that when he dumps me I am left confused. But even when I dump him, I am still the one being disoriented.
And as if he wasn't playing tricky mind games that were way beyond my capacity to figure out already, one fine day exactly two weeks after I tried to break the contract he wasn't there anymore. So used to seeing him I had become, standing silently across the street from the gate, waiting patiently for me to exit, that when he was finally missing from his regular spot I couldn't help but feel my heart sink slightly. Was he already giving up?
I couldn't help but crane my neck left and right. Stretching it as high as it would go just in case he had moved his position and I missed catching a glimpse of him somewhere. Call me an utter idiot all you want but I even purposely missed two buses just in case he was running late. Honestly, even I couldn't figure out what I wanted. Did I want him gone? Or did I want him back?
And in all our wishy-washy behavior I was left pondering by myself as to the whole gigantic mess I had created. Perhaps I should have listened to Kite the first time around and simply walked away when Kong found out about me and the company. But oh no, my stupidity obviously knows no bounds. Like a helpless puppy, I went right ahead wagging my tail the first time he crooked his finger to beckon me.
I sighed as I buried my face in my hands. The lull of the slowly rocking bus making it even harder to think.
Focus, Arthit. Focus.

Blindfolded [Complete]
FanfictionA little something raunchy. Just cause. ***Warnings*** Sex. Prostitution. BDSM.