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I tapped my foot nervously as I waited for the darn elevator to finally come to a halt before I rushed towards the front door, fidgeting with the keys as I impatiently made my way towards the palatial bathroom. I swear no matter how many times I come to Kong's place I will never get over just how massively large his condo was.

Stop getting distracted Arthit! You are late already.

You see the whole rush was that I was planning a surprise for my boyfriend.

Gosh, just saying the word in my head gave me goosebumps. Has it already been four months since we started dating? Man, time sure does fly. Apparently, even swifter when three out of the four months you have spent seeing your boyfriend only through a two-dimensional screen of a phone or a computer, what with him having to fly around the world for business trips and me having to hop from city to city for the training of my new job. Well, actually it wasn't entirely true.

We did meet once in between. At the airport. For 10 minutes. Both of us coming from different locations and flying off to opposite sides. And although I'm not about to complain about the 10 minute fuck we managed in the bathroom stall it has definitely not satisfied my cravings in the least.

And hence, managing to get out of work a couple of days early, the plan was to slip into apartment before Kong got off work, take a long, hot, fragrant bath, get all prepped and ready, and lay in wait splayed across his bed butt naked to welcome the man home.

Smiling to myself just at the thought of the long night ahead of sweet loving I dropped my clothes and tentatively stepped into the insanely large bathtub. And just as always an alien sensation settling in the pit of my stomach that I was invading a space that I obviously didn't belong to.

After all this time of knowing and being with Kong in all kinds of different capacities, having to accept that I was dating such an unimaginably wealthy man was still such a constant challenge. I mean, not having to worry about being in debt or loans or my brother's bills was already such a luxury, but with Kong, everything stepped into a completely different realm. We were part of such opposite worlds that coming together has been a rather interesting experience. And as much as I know Kong tried to understand, it wasn't the easiest for him either. Perhaps someone who can build literally a mountain of money may not completely understand why I threw a fit that me making a passing comment about how I was fascinated by the idea of bath salts, doesn't automatically mean I want 50 lbs of exotic salts shipped from Turkey, even if they do some magically fantastic things to my skin. But that's not really the point.

Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't appreciate what having Kong in my life has done for me. No matter what the future holds one thing is for certain that we have changed each other forever. And although we have spent so much of our past revolving around my issues, I am slowly beginning to appreciate the quiet struggles he goes through himself. After all, bundles of money or not, he was also just a man. A man with his own fears and insecurities. Amongst the biggest being the whole reason we ever happen to meet in the first place.

Not wanting to reveal his true self to the world, hiding his desire to protect himself, his family, and his business was all he had thought about his entire life. And yet when the time came to choose between his most coveted secret and me, he sprinted right out of the closet in full speed without giving it a second thought, even though the aftermath was something he and I would probably deal with for a long time to come. Who knew being a relationship was a lot more work than humping each other constantly. Well, probably anyone who has been in one before, but since both of us are bonafide amateurs, I guess we are still learning.

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