I am going to scream.
I swear I am this close to exploding my bloody brains out.
How could literally every aspect of my life get this fucked up this fast is totally and completely beyond me.
Is karma biting my still bruised ass for lying and deceiving Kong? If so then I must say the punishment so totally doesn't fit the crime. Cause currently every single thing that could possibly go wrong, did.
Let's start with my angry as fuck manager first, who had somehow made it his personal mission to make my life a living hell. Was it really my fault that he was 40 pounds a little too overweight and balding in all the wrong places. Or that his wife had the propensity to flirt with any human that had a ding dong hanging between his legs. I'm gay for heaven's sake, I couldn't care less about how many eyelashes she fluttered at me.
Obviously, that didn't stop him from focusing all his source of jealousy on poor old me. Keeping me back at work hours after everyone else had left, making me do the stupidest, most mind-numbingly boring jobs hours on end simply to make sure my evenings were never free to schmooze his woman.
Next ofcourse, comes the actual root of my never-ending problems. My oh so awesome brother. The literal bane of my existence. And what better way to demonstrate the thorn in my side than to provide exhibit A.
"Did you manage to arrange for the money?"
"But you said you would have 5000 bucks ready. I really, really need it Arthit."
"Yes, I did. But now I don't. I can't really pop out 5000 bucks like an egg you know."
"Fine. Then I will just go to Zayn and borrow it."
"Are you crazy? He is the worst fucking loan shark. The absolute worst kind. Last time he cracked three of your ribs when you were late in your payments by less than a day."
"Well, I don't really have any other options now do I?"
"Arghhh....fine. I will figure something out. Please don't go do something stupid this time ok."
"Would I ever? You are the best little bro, love you. Call me when you get the money ok."
So, yeah, between my slave-driving manager and my useless to a whole new undiscovered degree brother I was pretty much fucked.
What wasn't happening though was me getting fucked. You know, the other kind of fucked. The kind which is fun and pleasurable and leads to releasing all kinds of pent up frustrations.
Well, perhaps we need to back up two weeks to fully understand what happened with Kong and me in the hot tub when he finally realized I was a complete and utter amateur at the whipping and spanking he was planning.
Sitting in the soothing bubbling water, the blindfold taking away any hopes of me being able to read his expression, not at all knowing how he was reacting to the news, there was pretty much only one thought racing through my head.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. I am so, so, so screwed.
And then it happened.
And by that, I mean, literally nothing.
After a whole five minutes of lengthy, awkward silence, I suddenly felt a soft kiss on my cheek.
"I'm so sorry I hurt you. It won't happen again. I promise."
That's it. That's all he said. Then proceeded to wrap his arm around my waist, shifting me to sit a little more comfortably to avoid hurting my butt, rubbing a palm down my back until the water finally ran cold, before I put on my clothes, sat in the waiting car and drove away.

Blindfolded [Complete]
FanfictionA little something raunchy. Just cause. ***Warnings*** Sex. Prostitution. BDSM.