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Thank you so so much for all the support and kind words. The person in question disabled their account as soon as I messaged to confront them.

Honestly, I'm still not sure what I want to do but in the meantime I do want to finish the story. And also I really want to apologize for throwing a tantrum. I shouldn't have taken my frustrations out on you awesome readers. I'm truly sorry.

For now let's get on with the story!

I pulled the lapels of my jacket together as I sighed in that over-exaggerated manner you do when you want to indicate without words that you would rather be absolutely anywhere else in the world than here. For me, that might actually be true as I kept staring at the door of the night club I had planned to meet Zayn tonight. One of my main conditions to even agree to see him in the first place was the venue needed to be very open and very public. The man already had the annoying habit of having wandering hands the moment I was less than 6ft away from him, but then last time I made the mistake of ending up in the privacy of his office he was practically chomping down my neck. That damn purple bruise took me like a week to get rid of.

Blowing out one long hot breath of frustration, I gave a side look at the bouncer, wondering if he would need to enter in the picture sometime during the evening before I pushed open the door to immediately be hit with a waft of loud buzzing techno music and the stink of too much alcohol.

Taking hesitant steps all the way to the far end of the club where Zayn normally settles on the most concealed booth, I could almost feel the nervousness vibrating through every pore of my body. Anxiety quickly morphing into full blown fear when I saw the two gigantic bottles of tequila sitting on the table in front of him while he flashed me the broadest smile he could manage.

Oh, boy. This really isn't going to be easy isn't it?

"Hey, I have been waiting for you."

He patted the seat beside him. Beckoning me closer as his smile only broadened. My butt barely touching the cushion before he had already pushed the filled to the brim glass towards my way.

"No, thanks."

"Oh, c'mon Arthit. Just one drink. You are no fun when you are sober."

"Well, good thing this isn't meant to be a fun visit then. Let's get straight to it please. I paid you back the first six loans. The seventh and eighth one I am 80 percent done so I have the rest left along with interest. And finally, the ninth and tenth loan we have...hey! are you even listening to me?"

Looking up from the diary I was currently squinting at to make sure I had all the numbers straight, I saw him barely even paying attention to my words as he was downing shot after shot. His eyes progressively glazing over while he seemed to be getting only drunker by the second.

"Have I ever not listened to anything you have to say?"

Rolling my eyes at his cheesy flirting I turned my attention back to the book. Itching to get over this conversation as soon as possible, when he said the words that literally had my jaw hitting the floor.

"Don't forget the eleventh and the twelfth loan please. And since I am feeling generous I will keep the interest rate at only 20%. So, go ahead and continue with what you were saying..."

"Woah, woah, woah, what eleventh and twelfth? Stop making up crap."

"Well, what is crap is my car that your brother crashed this morning. Scrap is more like it actually."

"What does that have to do with me? You were dumb enough to allow him to drive your car. That's all on you. Don't get me involved in your mistakes."

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