Somebody please go get me a dictionary cause I don't know what words even mean anymore.
What the fuck was I even talking about? Why the fuck was I talking in the first place. It was barely 10 days since I had seen him last and I was already losing my mind. I honestly I don't know if my heart was heavier from missing him so damn much or my balls, obviously from not having ejaculated in simply too, too long.
What was worse that there seemed to be literally no end in sight to the debacle I call my life. I guess it's flashback time once more.
You see in the past couple of weeks I had drained out every last penny from my bank account, even hunted down chump change stuck in the corner of my couch to run around town repaying the extra long list of loans and debts my brother had racked up. Honestly it still amazes me the sheer capacity of the man to burn through cash that doesn't even belong to him. And yet I was happily going to put with up all that crap if he promised to get out of town, leave this damn city behind and start over without the horrid, horrid influence of Zayn looming over him. Kite had even managed to get him some sort of a warehouse job in a town not too far away.
But turns out the dumbo has bird poo stored in the place where his brain should have been cause no matter how much I tried to logic him away from this place he kept cycling back to claiming that he couldn't leave me all by myself. The man actually going as far as having the audacity to say that he needed to stay around to protect me from proverbial evil doers. Can you believe that?
He thinks he is protecting me.
And that's not even the craziest part. Are you ready for the real kicker? He wants me to actually date that lunatic. Says all our problems will end once I just realize how much Zayn loves me. Going as far as even calling the man a part of our family since we all grew up together. Family of crazies maybe. I mean who in the world would voluntarily want to be involved with that pervert. Unfortunately my dumb old brother, that's who. So this is where we stand. No matter how many words I produce from my sound hole, they are just not enough to penetrate his thick skull and I have reached the limit of my wits end and I don't know where to go from here.
Add to the fact, for the first time ever I actually had something infinitely more pleasurable to think about and someone infinitely more entrancing to miss. Contractual it may be, but Kong was definitely my lover. A lover I wanted desperately to claim me sometime soon.
So having spent yet another futile day in the battle of wills that I seem to be sorely losing, I dragged my body to my dump of an apartment. Giving only a brief glance at the bedside clock flashing well past midnight before I rubbed a tired hand across my face. The tiny urge of sneaking out to go see Kong quickly getting squashed when I recalled that there was definitely some one tailing me lately. And I really wouldn't put it past Zayn to do something this extreme, especially if he was suspicious of me being involved with someone else. Honestly by the time all of this was over if he didn't end up murdering my brother, I'm pretty sure I would.
That last thought still angering me as I began getting ready for the night when that bozo knocked on my door once again.
That murder part I just mentioned, I swear it might happen much sooner than I anticipated.
Stomping my feet on the ground I grumbled my way to the door, all ready to unleash another one of my tirades onto him, when I swung it open to halt dead in my tracks.
That was Kong alright, but he was dressed in a way I had never seen before.
Normally he dressed like every second was a red carpet event. Immaculate suits from companies I couldn't even pronounce. But the man standing in front of me right now was...different.

Blindfolded [Complete]
FanfictionA little something raunchy. Just cause. ***Warnings*** Sex. Prostitution. BDSM.