Chapter 4

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It was the night of the charity event at Harbor View Country Club and Ellis and I have not uttered a single word to each other since our little tiff last night. We exchanged glances when we would end up in the same room together, but that was it. It was awkward. But, it always was.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and a slender brunette stood on the other side. Her rosy cheeks stood out against her caramel-colored flesh. But, the first thing I really noticed was the large scar running from her shoulder to the tip of her middle finger. I averted my gaze back to her eyes. She looked like she was in her early forties. She continued to stand in my doorway with a warm smile and a suitcase clutched in her hand.


"Hi," I said skeptically as she continued to stand in the entrance. "Uh... Come in?"

"Thanks, Love," she said while pushing past me.

I watched her with a crooked brow as she unzipped the suitcase and emptied her things onto my bed. Bags of makeup, curling irons, long gowns in clear bags littered my once perfectly made bed. Is this some long lost sister I have yet to meet? Another secret from Ellis Banks?

"I'm Clarissa." She tossed the empty suitcase to the floor and looked at me with her hands resting on her hips. Her eyes panned over me, making me feel completely vulnerable. Her smile turned to a frown. "Did Ellis not tell you I was coming over?" She took my silence as a hard no. "Oh, well, I'm his stylist. He called me this morning told me his daughter was joining him at the event and thought it would be nice for you to be pampered."

First of all, Ellis had a stylist? And second, he called this morning? Did he forget how much of an ungrateful bitch I was to him last night?

"Well, thanks. But, I think I'll wear one of my own dresses."

Clarissa glanced at my closet and let out a snort. "Yeah. Right. Come along." She grabbed the makeup case and curling iron from the bed and skipped to the bathroom. I trudged close behind. She pulled out my small vanity chair and I took a seat on the tufted cushion.

Clarissa applied a small amount of makeup to my skin. She continued to tell me how flawless my skin was but how every girl could always use something to enhance her beauty.

"So, I didn't think Ellis had, or even needed, a stylist," I said once she started to heat my straight hair into curls.

"My husband works at your father's law firm. When your dad found out I was a stylist he offered me a job working for him. He's such a wonderful man." She beamed. "Pays pretty good too. I tailor other suits for some of his employees as well. You'll be meeting them tonight."

Just what I need. I didn't even want to meet Ellis and I was then going to meet all of the people that work for him?

"He's been talking to everyone about you coming to visit. It made him so happy."

My back went rigid. I was such an ass to this man, I didn't want to hear about how happy he was for me to come and stay with him. I didn't say another word the rest of the time Clarissa did my hair.

My chocolate curls hung above my shoulders effortlessly. I admired them in the mirror while Clarissa sashayed over to my bed, pulling the two dresses out of their plastic bags.

"Pink or black?"

"Black," I said eyeing the satin strapless dress dangling from her fingers. She gave me a moment of privacy to undress and slip on the dress. I did need some assistance with the zipper. Clarissa tugged on it forcing the zipper up little by little. The dress was slightly too small to fit over my breasts. With one final tug, I was all the way zipped.

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