Chapter 24

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A few days passed after the beach party and tonight, I was having my first official date with Ryland. Yes, we have obviously hung out in a casual setting, but this was a date. So much more formal than chit chat. And, my head was still spinning from our first kiss. I wanted to kick myself for acting like such a lovesick puppy. But I couldn't help it. I was falling hard. My feelings for Ryland hit me like a freight train and I felt like I was being dragged along, not in control of any of my actions. My feelings completely consumed me. I had never felt so alive.

I finished dressing quickly as soon as I heard the doorbell echoed throughout the house. My crop top and jeans were the perfect doses of sexy yet casual. Ryland didn't bother giving me the details of this little date, and I didn't care. I was letting him take the reins and I could sit back and watch him drive.

"Hey, pretty girl," Ryland said as soon as the door swung open. I'm not sure if he even had a glance at me, but I took the compliment anyway.

"Ready to go?"

"Whenever you are." His arm laced over my shoulder and he led me to his motorcycle. For the first time, I didn't protest. I was actually pretty excited to sit behind him and snake my arms around his waist. Just holding him close to me made me feel safe on the one type of transportation which I absolutely despised.

"So," I said while pulling the helmet over my head, "are you going to tell me where we are going?"

"You'll see when we get there." He started up the bike and the seat vibrated beneath me, filling me with intriguing excitement.

"As long as it's not billiards, I'm good."

"What?" My stomach tightened. Why was Holden popping into my head? Now, of all nights. Ryland was nothing like him. Ryland was good. I kicked myself for my self-sabotage. But, once the bike began roaring down the street, I suppressed everything to immerse myself in this night. This night with just me and Ryland.


The streets were buzzing with people. Ryland easily maneuvered us through them and to the nearest parking garage. We ended up downtown. The thirty-minute ride was a bit much for my body to handle. My body ached as I slid off the bike.

His fingers entwined with mine and we became one with the crowd. Downtown was so much different than Harbor View. Tall buildings surrounded us, cars sat bumper to bumper in the streets as people walked in between them without a second thought.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, my voice heightened to sound over the echoing trumpet that a man was playing on the sidewalk.

"Something different. Live a little." He laughed in my ear and pulled me closer to the trumpet man. People around us swayed alone or danced with a partner to the man's sweet jazz-like melody. Ryland pulled some cash out of his wallet and tossed it into a small jar. "Dance with me." His eyebrows waggled along with the fingers of his outstretched hand. "Isn't that our thing?"

"That it is." I took his hand and we swayed to the music bringing back so many memories of the first time we danced together.

Our torsos gently grazed one another which sent a warm sensation spreading through every inch of my body. My lips ached for his as my eyes delved deep into his. Passing car headlights illuminated his already smile brightened face. Stray hairs caressed his forehead just as my fingers longed to do. He brushed a few hairs away from my neck and I wished they were his lips.

The pacing of the music quickened, but our movements never wavered. We stayed slow and steady together. Hands caressed the small of my back. Just as I was about to fall into him with a kiss, he released me, leaving me to dance on my own while he pulled his buzzing phone from his jean pocket. A grim expression washed over his face before shoving his phone back into its original place.

A Bittersweet Life (1st draft)Where stories live. Discover now