Chapter 6

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I got a call back from the Knox Care Rehab Facility first thing that morning. Probably because I was in a complete panic when I left a message. All choked up with guilt and whatnot.

"I would like to talk to my mother, please. Her name is Penny McKinley," I said to the girl on the other side of the phone.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but that patient is unable to take calls at this time."

"But I'm her daughter. Tell her it's her daughter. Tell her it's Talia." I paced the floor of my room. All I wanted was to hear my mother's voice on the other end of the phone.

"I really do apologize, Miss, but due to her treatment, she is unable to use the phone."

I let out a slight groan as my fingers snaked through my knotted hair.

"Please. It's urgent!" I begged, "can't you just make an exception?" There was silence on the other side of the phone.

"Has someone died?" The girl said in a hushed tone.

"No?" My hand untangled from my hair and I stopped pacing.

"Well then, unfortunately, there is nothing I can do. Would you like us to inform you when this patient can have phone privileges?"

"Sure. Whatever." I hung up the phone and threw it onto the unmade bed.

I stayed cooped up in my room for almost the whole day. I didn't want to miss a phone call from the facility, even though I knew none would come. I also didn't want to catch Ellis watching any more home movies, even though I was the one snooping.

However, I finally emerged when I heard the sound of shattering glass. I hustled down the stairs and into the kitchen where Randall stood pinching the bridge of his nose while a few teenagers dressed in aprons scurried to pick up the broken plate pieces from the floor.

"What's going on?" Randall turned to me, letting out a large puff of air.

"If you want something done right, don't hire your grandkids to help out." Two of the girls ran from the kitchen with the pieces in their hands while the boy pulled a broom from the nearby closet.

"Are we having a party or something?"

"Mark Pierce and his son are coming over for dinner tonight for Mark's birthday. Your father wanted to make it special."

And son? The very son who I threw up all over.

"Why... Why would Ellis be throwing him a birthday bash?"

"It's just dinner. And they are best friends, Child. When Mark's wife died, they decided to celebrate their birthdays together every year."

I looked down at my feet. I didn't like hearing how much of a heart Ellis had. It made me sick, honestly. How he could open his heart to all these people after abandoning his daughter. His own flesh and blood.

Randall looked down at his wristwatch and then back at me. "You should go get ready. They will be here very soon." I began to leave the kitchen, but not before there was another sound of shattering glass. "Shit," Randall muttered.

I laughed, leaving him with that mess while I tried to figure out how to avoid one that night.

I scoured my closet trying to find something eye-catching to wear. I wasn't trying to impress Ryland or anything. I just wanted him to forget about what happened. I didn't want him to remember me as the girl that puked all over him.

I waited downstairs patiently for The Pierce Family to arrive. Ellis emerged from his room tightening his blue necktie which really popped against his gelled chocolate hair. He smiled at me and I returned it. He probably forgot that I called him a piece of shit just yesterday morning, or he was trying to not remember.

A Bittersweet Life (1st draft)Where stories live. Discover now