Chapter 1

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**this is the first book I have ever actually completed. I wrote a lot of stories before this but left them abandoned. I started writing this book when I was in college. I am aware there may be mistakes. I was a pantser then and did very little plotting. But hey, we all need to start somewhere.
I hope you enjoy it. And I hope this give other new writers the courage to finish their book.❤️**

With the last coat of polish applied to Mr. Wallace's 2000 Jeep Wrangler Sport rims, I examined my face on their reflective surface. A splotch of grease clung to my left cheek. I was really going to miss this. I loved the grease under my nails and the smell of oil on my clothes when I returned home from a long day at Andy's Auto Shop. It was calming. It made me believe I had a purpose in life. Even though fixing up old broken down cars is nothing to really aspire to.

I used my dirty rag in an attempt to rub off the grease, but that only made it worse. I tossed the soiled cloth into the pile with all of the other dirty ones and grabbed a fresh one off of Andy's desk, which was cluttered with paperwork, checks, and a couple of empty beer bottles, some of which were mine.

As I wiped my face, I watched Andy accept money from the lady that was picking up her car. She handed him the cash and her fingers trailed on his. Andy must have loved that. He probably got aroused instantly at the touch of a woman. Granted, the man had been divorced for twelve years and the ladies weren't exactly knocking down his door unless he paid them.

The two of them exchanged a quick conversation before he handed her the keys to her once broken down car that now looked brand new. Andy really took pride in his work. He was the kind of man that liked perfection. Except for when it came to his desk. After working with him for three years, I really picked up on these traits, and some bad habits. Hence the beer. But, that could also be my mother's fault.

The woman drove away in her car leaving Andy and me to finally close up. He walked over to his desk, counting the cash to make sure the woman didn't scam him as most people did in this town. It was tough to find honest people in Oak Grove. Since none of them had anything to lose, they didn't give a shit.

"So, Talia, what time will you be coming in tomorrow?" Andy asked, shoving the wad of cash into the pocket of his khaki shorts. He grabbed one of the half-empty Budweiser bottles and put it to his lips, finishing it in one quick swig.

I guess that's how he got that beer gut. Andy wasn't the best looking guy, but with some exercise, he could become a solid six on a scale of one to ten. After his divorce he really let himself go. The young attractive man with the perfect shade of sandy blonde hair in the pictures scattered on his desk was nothing compared to the man he was when I met him. His slender figure replaced by one much more round. That once full head of hair now consisting of a receding hairline and a slight bald spot on the back of his head where he wore his Giants baseball hat.

"I told you, I'm leaving tomorrow." I took the empty bottles that were littering his desk and threw them into the nearest trash can. My nightly ritual.

"What?" He slammed the empty bottle down on his desk. "Leaving where?"

I took the bottle, tossed it into the trash, and tied up the bag. "Do you not remember any of our conversations?" I paused, hoping he was actually aware of anything we've ever talked about. Andy was a nice guy, but when it came to talking about anything meaningful, it was in one ear and out the other. "Since my mom is going to rehab I'm going to live with Ellis Banks," I said that last part in a more snooty tone, pointing my nose into the air.

"Shit, that's right, your father."

"The man abandoned nineteen years ago. He doesn't deserve the title of 'Father'." I took a moment to walk back over to the jeep and hung a pine tree air freshener on the rearview mirror. I turned back to Andy and curled my lips into a fake smile. "Let's call him my sperm donor."

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