Chapter 12

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When Friday rolled around, I was a lot less excited about this double date. And, it was even a blind date because I had no idea who the hell I was getting set up with. I only agreed to this because, in the moment, Ryland was all I could think about. How sexy he was and how I could never be with him. But, as time passed, those feelings subsided and I was once again only thinking of Ellis and Clarissa, and Ellis and Charles.

Maybe it was good that I was getting out of the house. I couldn't bear to see Ellis. I was avoiding him all week. It was pretty easy since he wasn't around much either. He would leave bright and early to go to "work" and come home after I had already eaten. It was hard not to think that he was gone all of those hours having his way with Clarissa.

Tonight was my opportunity to forget about all of that, though. This mystery date guy could be really great and we might even hit it off.

I threw on a black tank top that really accentuated my breasts. I threw on my red leather jacket to cover my naked shoulders. I curled my hair and watched as the curls bounced just about my shoulders. A light coat of mascara made the flecks of green in my hazel eyes pop. I haven't gone on a date in years, I needed to look presentable.

Once I pulled up the zipper on my shorts, a car horn sounded from outside.

I slid into Ashley's car that was parked in the driveway.

"You look nice," she cooed. "Holden is going to be drooling." Holden. Well, now I know the guy's name.

"Where are they?" I asked looking around the empty car.

"Bradley got off late from work. Holden is picking him up and they'll meet us there." She pulled out of the driveway. Nervousness began to fizz in my stomach. But a good nervousness. This is how I should be feeling on a Friday night, about to go on a first date.

"Where are we going exactly?"

"You'll see." She grinned.

A bunch of pool tables were scattered around the room. A large bar lined the back wall. Neon signs lit up the space that was filled with people. Music from the speakers was just loud enough to cover up the mindless chatter.

I was a pro at playing pool. Andy would take me to places like this when we would finish work early and he taught me how to hustle. He probably wasn't the best influence, but I did learn a few tips and tricks about the game.

My eyes danced around the room, trying to find the person that could potentially be my date.

"Talia," I turned to Ashley who had two men standing on either side of her, "this is Bradley." She pointed to her boyfriend who towered over her. He definitely played some kind of contact sport by the way his broad shoulders jutted out from his body. I shook his hand. Strong grip. He flipped his head to the side moving some of his blonde hair out of his face. He was good looking. But not as good looking as the man on Ashley's other side.

My date.

Holden Perez.

"Nice to meet you," He smiled and took my hand. His voice low, slightly raspy but sexy. His deeply tanned arm was covered in some kind of tribal looking tattoo. His shoulders were just as broad as Bradley's. His green eyes could put anyone in a trance, myself included, as well as most of the other girls in this place. His black hair was gelled up, messily, but still perfect. He was all mine for the night and every girl in that place hated me for it. He slung his arm over my shoulders and I went with it, even though I was getting about twenty death glares from various women.

"So, shall we start the night with a game of pool?" Ashley clapped her hands while Bradley held her close.

"Yeah, rack em up. I'm gonna get a beer, you want?" Holden asked, nudging my shoulder.

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