Chapter 34

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Counting the beeps from the hospital's heart monitor was the only thing I could bring myself to do to pass the time. Ellis's flesh was cold against mine as I held his hand tightly.

"Excuse me, Talia Banks?"

"Talia McKinley, yes," I corrected. The doctor walked into the room with a sympathetic smile. He extended his hand for a shake, but I refused to remove my hands from Ellis. As though my touch was the only thing keeping him alive.

"So, we removed the bullet from his chest. Luckily there were no vital organs harmed by the bullet's impact. However, there was significant blood loss which explains the comatose."

"Will he wake up?" I asked, desperately.

"It is almost certain he will. It is the 'when' aspect that we are unsure of. But please, find me if you have any questions." I nodded a thank you and the doctor left the two of us alone and I went back to my irrelevant counting.

"Talia?" A familiar voice woke me from my daze.

"Mom?" I stood from my chair next to Elli's bed, dropping his hand gently even though I was in complete shock at the sight of my mother. "What are you doing here?" I would've been more joyful at this moment to see her if Ellis hadn't just told me about all the shit that she did to him. To me. Taking me away from my father. 

"Nancy was an emergency contact for him. She called the rehab center and they told me. Oh, baby, I was so worried about you. They said there was a shooting and I thought you were hurt. I'm so relieved!" She pulled me into a hug, but I didn't bother wrapping my arms around her. In a broad spectrum of things, this was all her fault. Maybe not directly, but still. "I'm so glad you are alright."

"I'm not, actually." She pulled away, cupping my face in her hands.

"Do I need to get a doctor? Are you hurt?" She scanned my body over and I shimmied out of her grip. Taking a step back so she couldn't reach for me again.

"Physically, I'm perfectly fine. It's mentally that I'm not alright," I snapped

"What are you talking about, Talia?"

"He told me everything," I said through gritted teeth. "How you never wanted me, then you took me away from him. Stealing every opportunity I had of knowing my father."

"Let me explain, please."

"You had my whole life to explain things. Instead, you lied to me. And now you want to talk about it? Here, in the hospital room, where my father lies in a coma. Like hell." I was completely disgusted by her presence. "In all honesty mother, I can't even look at you right now."

"You don't mean that, Talia."

"Actually, I do. You can go now." I fluffed her away with my hand, and she obeyed, trudging out of the hospital room without looking back. I didn't think I was wrong in my feelings or actions. I could've had a life where I knew my father. But, she kept that from me. And now, as I stood in the middle of his hospital room, I was beginning to think I would never have the chance to get to know him.


I found myself wandering the hospital. Basically doing anything I could to keep my mind off of Ellis and my mother. I walked into the cafe, Reading the large menu as I continued to walk forward. I bumped into a man, jolting me out of my daze.

"I'm so sorry, Sir." The man turned to face me and a lump formed in my throat.

"That's alright, Talia," Charles said with a kind smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Ellis. I also wanted to have a word with you. Come walk with me." I followed with slight reluctance, not knowing what I was getting myself into. How did he know we were even here? Did he know his wife was behind all of this? Did he put her up to it? My mind was spinning. But that could've been from not eating for several hours. 

A Bittersweet Life (1st draft)Where stories live. Discover now