Chapter 17

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Apparently the Fourth of July was a very celebrated day here in harbor view. When I looked out the window that morning, the beach was filled with hundreds of people, their red, white, and blue outfits shone brightly under the sun's rays. Ellis decorated the living room with the multicolored balloons while wearing a red tank top and blue and white striped bathing suit shorts. His smile beamed as he tied the balloons to the chairs.

"Good morning," he cooed once he saw me lurking at the bottom of the staircase. Randall passed by me carrying a tray of cupcakes. An American flag was pinned to the back of his white shirt like a cape.

"What's all this?" Placing the tray down on the table, Randall turned to me.

"Why, it's the Fourth of July, child."

"What's all the fuss about then?" Back home, Fourth of July consisted of grilling in the neighbors back yard and then going down to the drive-in theater, laying on towels, and watching the fireworks from the town a few blocks over.

"We throw the biggest beach party of the year today." Ellis tied the last balloon to the chair. "Everyone comes out to celebrate." He looked at his watch, it was eight in the morning. "It looks like we are already running late." He turned his attention to Randall, "please get the rest of the desserts and put them on the tables out in the back. I need to set up the firework display." Randall silently agreed and the two of them dispersed. Feeling flustered, I went back into my room to try and find something to wear. Luckily I was prepared for this moment. I threw on my American flag bikini as well as a white tank top and denim shorts.

A knock on my door startled me, sending me jumping back with a slight shriek.

"Sorry." Ryland strode into my room. His bare torso was covered in small droplets of water and his hair messy and wet. I tried not to look at him. Possibly the hardest thing I had ever had to accomplish. I tried to muster up the strength to look at his freshly tanned body without letting drool fall from my chapped lips. My lip quivered as I tried to find the strength to talk to him. "Talia," my name dancing off his tongue made my legs weak. But, when I looked up he was across the room holding it in his hand with a disappointed look, which sent my arousal back into hibernation, "I thought I told you to get rid of this days ago." He waved the file around and my heart stopped. I had totally forgotten, getting so caught up with work, the fact that Ryland was no longer with Kristen, and sending in an application to Harbor View University, returning that file was just the last thing on my mind.

"Oh god... I totally forgot," I stammered, more because of nerves due to how sexy Ryland looked while his muscles tensed with frustration.

"Tonight before the party is over, we return this. Okay?" I nodded in agreement. As he turned to leave the room, I noticed a small black tattoo of the name Emily on the side of his rib cage. Another friend with benefits I suppose. He left the room without a word leaving me feeling vulnerable, but mostly terrified. Maybe part of me was purposely avoiding returning the file because I didn't want to find myself in that house again.

Music blared over the conversations of the hundreds of people that littered the beach. Young children ran around flying kites and shooting each other with water guns. Young women walked around with fruity drinks in their hands while their skimpy bikinis were just wide enough to cover their nipples. A few people scattered the ocean, sitting on their surfboards, waiting patiently for the waves to come.

I stood on the back deck, just observing for the moment. Randall organized desserts on the large rectangular table. A few kids came and snatched them up while their parents were distracted. Then, Randall started up the grill tossing on raw burgers allowing them to sizzle on the fire.

"Why are you standing here, Child, go have fun."

"I'm just a little overwhelmed is all." I ran my fingers through my hair before tying it up to relieve myself from the summer heat. "Where is Ellis?" I asked, scanning the beach. Randall pointed to a large boat that sat a few miles offshore.

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