Chapter 7

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I honestly thought I would be able to handle anything this job threw at me. I thought I would master the cappuccino machine and carry a tray of food with just one hand by the time the lunch rush came in. But, that wasn't the case.

I walked into the restaurant early Friday morning and Natalie and Ashley gave me a warm welcome. Natalie handed me my emerald apron and matching hat. I tied the apron around my slim waist before walking behind the counter, which was a strict rule. Natalie disappeared into her office leaving me alone with Ashley as my teacher.

"This is going to be so fun!" She squealed.

I found it so baffling that this high pitched cutesy girl was a year older than me. I found it more mind-boggling that I had to take orders from her. Granted, Ashley was nice. But too nice. Like, overbearingly too nice, smothering really.

"So," she clapped her hands together, "I think I should start by teaching you how to use the coffee maker. It's pretty fickle sometimes," she giggled even though nothing was funny. I didn't protest to any of her demands, even though I really wanted to.

The large coffee machine sat on the back counter. It wasn't a normal coffee maker like I had in my house, or the high tech Keurig Ellis owns. This was a large, gold, cylindrical object with two nozzles coming out from the sides.

Ashley began typing some numbers into the touchpad on the front of the device. She placed a cup under one of the nozzles.

"Okay, now all you need to do is pull that lever."

I pointed to the black handle, she nodded. I tugged down on it but it didn't budge.

"No you have to do it like-"

I tugged on the handle once more. A burst of hot coffee shot out from the machine splattering all over my once new and perfect apron.

"Agh!" I screamed jumping back as hot coffee droplets bounced onto my bare flesh.

"I told you it was fickle." Ashley wiped down the messy counters with a rag.

"Why don't you just have a normal coffee maker."

"The owner didn't want to be basic." She shrugged. "But why don't we start with something else. Like the cash register." Ashley showed me the basics and I caught on pretty fast.

I learned the register, how to make smoothies, arrange the pastry display case. I was a pro. Natalie would come out of her office occasionally to check on my progress and I think she was pretty impressed by her new hire.

"You pick up quick," Natalie said while examining the fruit smoothies I had just finished making for a couple of customers standing at the counter. I handed the two girls their drinks with a pleasant smile.

"I'm a great teacher," Ashley chimed in.

"Well, if you two need me, I'll be in the office handling some paperwork."

After the breakfast rush, things seemed to quiet down a bit. Most of the customers coming in were there for the sit-down dining, meaning Ashley and I had a lot of downtime.

"So how do you like Harbor View? It's so nice, isn't it? I just love it!"

"Yeah. It's nice." I responded to her questions with much less enthusiasm.

"I've lived here all my life. My whole family has. Grandparents and all." Ashley continued to tell me her whole life story even though I really couldn't give a shit. But she obviously didn't get that impression from all of my huffing and puffing every time a word came out of her mouth.

The chime on the door sounded and something caused me to turn around. When I did, my mouth hung open. Ryland and Kristen. The two benefiting friends walked in so casually. Luckily we didn't make eye contact. They walked right past the cafe counter and up to the hostess stand.

"What do you know about him?" I asked Ashley while still keeping my eyes locked on the two of them. Ashley followed my gaze.

"That's Ryland Pierce. I went to high school with him." Come on, Ashley, I need more than that. "He is a really great guy."

"Is that so?" My brows raised with intrigue. If Ryland was such a good guy, why was he wasting his time fucking around with a girl like Kristen? Why would he even want to be just a benefit?

"Do you like him or something?" She asked while examining me.

"What?" I snapped.

Ashley shrugged and looked at her toes. "Well, if you're not into him, I can set you up with someone. Maybe with one of my boyfriend Bradley's friends." She perked up, "we should double date!" She cheered.

"Yeah, I don't think so." I turned my attention back to Ryland and Kristen who were then sitting at one of the tables. I wasn't interested in immersing myself in the dating world. That wasn't my purpose for coming here. I had to prevent myself from getting distracted. No matter how tempting.


The warmth of the couch cushions engulfed me. A soft rain patterned on the large glass doors overlooking the gloomy beach. I sipped my coffee intently watching the waves grow and crash over the sand. A hint sun began to show from beneath the clouds. A glimmer of hope for a beautiful day.

I averted my gaze from the beach and focused back on the TV that was playing some reality show set in Beverly Hills. I would've changed it, but the remote was lost in the immensity of the couch.

Ellis stumbled out of his office adjusting the cufflinks on his black suit. He glanced at his watch as he crossed the living room. Picking up his briefcase by the front door, he looked at his watch again. He cursed under his breath. I shuffled on the couch. His eyes widened when he noticed my presence.

"Oh, Talia, you startled me." He looked at his watch once more. I could tell he wanted to ask me something by the way his eyes met mine and he licked his lips.

"Do you need something, Ellis?" Again, looking at his watch.

"I don't want to bother you."

"It's no bother." Maybe doing him a little favor will make me seem like less of a bitch. I didn't want him to think I was ungrateful. I mean, he let me stay here even after I called him a piece of shit. Yeah, him threatening to sue my mom was a terrible thing, but maybe it was bittersweet. I mean, if he didn't, she probably wouldn't have agreed to go to rehab.

"I have a check here," he held up the check, "that needs to be dropped off at The Clarke's house. It's for Charles. I just have a very important meeting and I don't think I'll have time to bring it over." His voice shook a little with panic.

I struggled to free myself from the couch cushions. Once on my feet, I took the check from his grip.

"I can do it, no problem." I shrugged. Ellis let out a sigh of relief. "It's the least I could do." Ellis let out another sigh, but this one filled with disappointment as his eyes dropped to the floor.

"Listen, Talia, about what I told you... Suing your mother..." I held up my hand.

"Please, don't. Now go. You'll be late if we stand here talking about this." He silently agreed and picked up his keys. I closed the door behind him and shoved the check in my pocket.

A Bittersweet Life (1st draft)Where stories live. Discover now