Chapter 28

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My mind was clear but eyes were still puffy waking up the next morning. The only thing making my body ache less was the memory foam of the king-sized mattress and the pillows that held me in their soft clutches. I would've laid there for hours. But, the sun that crept its way through the blinds burned my tortured eyes.

The Bathroom had been completely transformed overnight. Shards of glass had been removed from the perfectly polished floors and the old mirror was replaced by a new one. Even the blood that dotted the tiled floor was cleaned up. The pains in my hand were pretty nonexistent. It's as though last night never happened. And yet, I could still taste Samuel on my lips, which no amount of toothpaste could wash away.

A note waited on the small table by the door. Ellis told me he had already headed out for the day. I didn't mind having the room all to myself to order some ice cream and maybe call in a massage, but if I did that, my mind would stir. Did Ryland wake up this morning in the company of Kristen? Her breath on his neck while they cuddled up under the sheets. The thought repulsed me more than the thought of having Samuel's dick in my face. So, instead of letting myself go insane, I threw on a bikini and headed to the beach. Ryland did say yesterday he wanted to go jet skiing again. Did that offer still stand? Did I even want to be in his vicinity?

Though my mind was telling me to avoid him at all costs, my feet marched me across the sand to the familiar jet ski rental hut. My heels dug into the moist sand at the sight of Ryland leaning against the hut, chatting with a lifeguard. My heart did a little flutter. He did want me. He wanted to see me. Just as my feet left the ground, I was pulled back. Kristen trotted up behind him, grabbing his waist, shocking both him and I. An awkward smile grew on his lips and an awkward feeling in my stomach began to bubble.

Ryland held up his finger to the rental guy letting him know to get one ski. Kristen tapped her fingers on his waist. Ryland grabbed her hands in his, looking her deep in her eyes. I didn't stick around to see the rest. I made a beeline for the bar, knocking down anyone who got in my way. Blinded by my rage.

I slumped down on a barstool and the tentative bartender made his way to me with haste.

"What can I get you?"

"Is it too early for something really, really strong?" He smacked his lips together and grinned.

"Never." I watched as he concocted me a drink. I should've had something in my stomach before drinking his mixture, but I didn't want anything to take away from my buzz.

I sipped on the drink in front of me, and at that moment, I had never felt more like my mother. Drinking before noon was always her thing. She preferred a glass of cheap liquor than a warm cup of coffee. It was scary, really. Who would've thought coming to live in harbor view would turn me more into her.

I pulled my phone out of my beach bag and began to dial the number for the rehab center. It had been a while since we last talked. I was actually surprised I hadn't gotten any calls from her. Did that mean she wasn't doing any better?

It took a moment for us to get connected. But when we finally did, her voice was chipper on the other side of the phone.

"Talia. Oh, honey, how are you."

"You're sounding better," I said, not wanting to indulge in her small talk.

"Yes, I am. Oh, this place is so wonderful. And the staff here is... Wow. All I can say."

"You are supposed to be there to get better, not fall into bed with the staff," I snapped. Yes, I was happy that she finally sounded happy for once in a long time, but I didn't need the reason for that happiness to come from the janitor, or towel boy or whoever she was drooling over.

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