Chapter 21

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I gripped the mop's handle, causing blisters to form on my palms. It had been days and I still couldn't get Ryland out of my head. I wasn't dwelling on the fact that the two of us were never going to be together, that was too depressing. Instead, I thought about his pale eyes that I could get lost in forever; his small yet perfect birthmark on his neck; and that smile that made me weak in the knees. I snapped out of my thoughts once I felt my legs begin to tremble and almost give out underneath me.

I continued to mop the floor with ease while Ashley wiped down the countertops and Natalie added up the cash in the register. This was my new nightly ritual. I can honestly say I missed picking up Andy's beer bottles. It was a lot easier than mopping the floors, cleaning coffee rings off the table and wiping down the floor to ceiling windows.

The cash register drawer slammed closed causing me to drop the mop and spin on my heels. Natalie looked at me with an over-exaggerated grin.

"What?" I snapped, picking up my mop, and continuing my chore.

"You have that look."

"What look?" I held the mop in its place, not wanting to do any more work until she cut the bull.

"You're thinking about a guy aren't you?" She wore the same expression and crossed her arms.

"I am not." My body tensed but I tried to ignore it.

"Yes, you are," Ashley interjected, walking up behind Natalie and throwing her rag into my bucket of water.

"There is no look!" But, despite my attempts to convince them otherwise, they insisted there was a look.

"Is it that guy that ordered that green drink today? He was fine."

"It's not him. It has to be the guy that asked for more napkins." I rolled my eyes with frustration.

"That guy was like seventy years old."

"So? He's sugar daddy material." I grabbed the wet rag and threw it at Ashley, leaving a giant wet spot in the middle of her apron. "Don't get mad." She picked up the rag from the floor, "we wouldn't have to guess if you just told us." I battled with my inner self. Do I tell them when there really wasn't anything to say? I mean I thought he was about to kiss me, but he didn't. That's not something to report in the papers.

"Yeah. It was the green smoothie guy."

"I knew it!" Natalie cheered, causing me to look at the floor. Maybe lying wasn't the best thing, but what other choice did I have. How could I explain the feeling I had about Ryland when I didn't even understand them myself?

Once I finished all of my nightly tasks, I was halfway out the door when Natalie called after me.

"How about you two come to my place? We can make popcorn and watch a movie?" It felt much later than ten at night, according to my watch and the clock on the wall. I needed some time to destress. Maybe a girls' night was the way to go.

"I'm down." I shrugged my shoulders and Ashley squealed, running over to us.

"Girls night!" She grabbed our hands and dragged us to the parking lot.

Natalie's apartment building sat on the beach, of course. The twenty-story building was made of all mirrored glass, absolutely mesmerizing. The place felt more like a hotel as a valet stood outside waiting to take people Mazarades and Bentleys to the parking garage. I figured Natalie had money through her family, but she is the manager of a cafe, how could she afford a place like this?

I felt so out of place when one of the valet guys helped me out of my truck and took the keys. Natalie and Ashley linked arms with me, obviously sensing my discomfort after watching my truck being whisked away by a man, who I'm pretty sure had never driven a stick before. The two of them lead me inside, which was surprisingly even more beautiful than the outside if that was even possible. White marble floors and a grand chandelier made me feel like I was in a five-star hotel rather than an apartment complex.

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