Chapter 9

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I slammed the drawer shut causing the glass jar of pens to fall on the floor. I stood to my feet. My cheeks flushed when I saw who was standing there. I kept the file pressed against my stomach which was drenched in sweat. My eyes darted around the room, trying to find a way out of this.

"I...I was just... just..." I licked my chapped lips, eyes twitching, heart racing. "What are you doing?" I asked, trying to divert the attention away from myself.

Ryland took a step closer to me, picking up the pens from the floor. I took a step back, thinking that if he was close enough he would see the file hidden under my jacket. Or the fear rushing into my eyes.

"I needed to pick up a suit for my dad." He eyed me up and down. I pushed past him and walked toward the office doors. Clarissa appeared in front of me, blocking my escape. A suit in a plastic bag hung from her dainty wrist.

"Here you go, Ryland."

"Thanks." Ryland took the suit, still looking at me.

"Would you two like to stay for lunch? I have some veggie pizza warming up in the oven," she cooed.

"Thanks. But, I have to go now." I pushed past her and walked out. Ryland was close on my heels.

"Hey," he shouted after me as I approached my truck. "You never told me what you were doing in there."

"It's none of your business. Just like it's none of my business about your benefits with Kristen."

"Oh my god." He said through gritted teeth and kicked the gravel beneath his feet. "You're still hung up on that." I shrugged my shoulders. To be honest, I really didn't care. I was just happy the conversation wasn't about me. "I like her. I actually like her. She's the one that doesn't want anything serious. So, I'll take what I can get with her." I didn't have anything to say to him. I just wanted to get the hell away from that house.

"Whatever. You do you, Ryland." I finally got into my truck and sped down the driveway. When I was far enough away, I retrieved the file from my hoodie and threw it on the seat next to me. My knuckles turned white as I gripped the wheel. That had to be a gun, no doubt about it. I once found a gun in Andy's desk at the garage. They all basically look the same. Andy kept a gun in his desk ever since someone broke into the shop two years ago. But, why did Charles have a gun? His house is basically a fortress with the gates surrounding it, so no need to worry about someone breaking in. I just wanted, no, needed to know Clarissa was safe in there with that man.

I drove around for a while, trying to clear my thoughts. By the time I returned home the sun was setting. Another car was sitting in the driveway. Before getting out of my truck I stashed the file under the seat, making sure it was completely out of sight. Hopefully, Charles won't be looking for that any time soon. And if he was, I didn't think he would expect me to be the thief.

As I walked into the house I was hit with the smell of fire. Something was burning. I ran into the kitchen, only to see Ellis standing over the stove trying to put out a small flame while an older couple stood behind him laughing. I stood motionless for just a moment. Probably just in awe of the fact that Ellis was cooking. I never expected him to even attempt that task. He turned to me once the fire was put out and a smile appeared on his lips. It was a smile that made me want to smile. The woman turned to me as well.

"Oh my goodness. Is this her?" She walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I just stood there, stiff in this stranger's embrace.

"Yes, Ma, that's her. Talia." So this is Ma? The woman from that home movie I saw Ellis watching. She stopped hugging me. Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at me. She turned to the older man before the tears fell down her pink cheeks.

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