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Simon minter. I had always despised the boy all through school we used to play little tricks on each other and he used to tease me and me tease him but god was I glad to get rid of him when I left or so I thought was getting rid of him some now we had both ended up in London and somehow we would non stop run into each other you would of thought he was stalking me. Fucking weirdo.

I was in work early today 10 minutes earlier then normal. I was chucking on my apron and sliding over to the counter when I heard his voice it sent chills down my spine. 'Yeah boys lets sit here' Simon Edward minter was somehow in the coffee shop I worked in well part time I mostly did singing but besides. I poked my head over to see him and 6 other boys I only recognized one olajide or Jide or JJ he went to school with me too. Simons bestmate. What pissed me off more was knowing that I had to go take their order as they had already settled. I got together all the courage I had and I made my way to them. 'Hello what can I get you today?' I smiled through gritted teeth. 'No way' Simon smirked making me grit my teeth harder 'y/n l/n' he picked up his menu and begun re reading as JJ smiled at me and waved and to him I genuinely smiled back. You see I never had a problem with Jide he was surprisingly quite nice considering other girls had told me much different.

They ordered and as I turned to walk away he grabbed my wrist 'a coffee shop that's what you turned too?' He laughed a little and I rolled my eyes 'if you must know simon it's a side job to my singing and I choose to do this as I have friends here other than that I have no need for it' I emphasized his name and pulled my wrist out of his hand swiftly walking away. The audacity of that boy to ask about my life ugh it just made me boil with hatred. Ignoring that I made the drinks along with my fellow bar tender Gracie who just so happened to be my bestfriend and roommate. 'Dickhead' I muttered causing her to laugh 'you know during school everyone thought you'd end up together' I stopped mid drink in utter shock 'god no we hate each other' I made clear 'sure you do also I'm leaving this shift in 5 mins Megan's taking over I've got the day off moving some shit around the apartment' I nodded 'alright I'll take their stuff over'.

I took the first 2 trays over handing everyone their drinks making sure Simon's hot chocolate was last 'what a pussy drink' I breathed so only he could hear me 'shut up' which made me smirk I had gotten under his skin. I then grabbed the food tray and handed the food out as well. Just as I was finishing I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump. 'See you later' Gracie churned I nodded as she changed her attention to the 7 boys staring at her I noticed JJs mouth slightly agape. 'Jide, Simon' she nodded as she left JJ yelled after her 'bye Gracie' and waved to which she waved back through the window making him smile aw cute kind of maybe not. 'Jumpy are we?' Simon asked me his face looking so punchable. I scoffed 'shut up.' I took the trays quickly as possible but the last one Simon grabbed I tried to pull it from his hands until he pulled me inches from my face. 'Who's under who's skin now?' I pulled the object from his grip 'fuck off' I went back to my job.

What a dickhead. It was now 6pm and closing time for an hour until 7pm where someone new would come in. I packed up and made sure everyone was gone. I was getting an uber from my phone when a few notifications puzzled me so I clicked on them.
Wroetoshaw started following you
Behzingram started following you
Zerkaa started following you
Tobijizzle started following you
Vikkstagram started following you
And the last one that pissed me off the most
Miniminter liked 3 of you're posts

{A/N} so new book gonna do this one as a miniminter instead of wroetoshaw mix it up a little so yeah cool x

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