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I was on the sofa where as JJ and Gracie went up stairs honestly I do not want to know what they were doing. The boys ventured off to their rooms other than Simon he stayed on the other sofa, actually it was 1 am and we were currently sat both staring at the ceiling chatting. 'so why do you hate me so much?' Simon asked I chuckled at him 'The same reason you hate me obviously' I made that up entirely because I knew I hated his guts but I didn't want to explain why. 'because I'm hot?' He hesitated 'No dip shit because well a tiny bit it's because through out school you used to get so much attention and I would never understand why what is so brilliant about you and then I would watch you completely block out every girl and tease me and it would piss me off you would pay attention to me too annoy me but with the other girls you'd brush them off' I huffed 'wait why would that annoy you?' his voice just as puzzled as before 'Because I could never understand why, why tease me of all people' He reached his hand over the sofa and touched mine 'Because l/n it was my pleasure annoying the shit out of you'. I smiled and with the thought fell asleep.

I was woke up with a heavy weight on my chest I opened my eyes to see Olajide Olatunji on top of me. I wasn't awake enough to yell so instead I just loudly groaned the others laughed as Ethan was doing the same to Simon who was also groaning. I wiped my eyes and got my sense back and I kneed JJ's stomach which cause a third groan this morning. He rolled onto the floor and I laughed.

We were sat in the kitchen Josh making breakfast, I was surprised he knew how to make pancakes but I assumed his girlfriend, Freya, had taught him. Simon walked in dressed in different clothes than yesterday and I had gotten changed in the bathroom earlier. I was dressed in leggings and a pink crop top. I was the only person not sat down as I was leaning and everyone was in chatter so no one noticed when Simon slid his hand over my ass and squeezed it. My eyes became like saucers I looked over at him and shot him daggers. He just wined for the second time in the last 24 hours and squeezed again.

I wasn't complaining but at the same time I was this was not meant to happen because I knew it would go back to how it was in school I would end up liking him and it drive me mad. I remember in year 9 the first time it got like this year 8 was always talking sometimes sexual but in year 9 he came up behind me in science and grabbed my ass then for the rest of the lesson he sat in between me and JJ behind Gracie so that he could hold my hand. Walking out to break he ran over and told me 'we should do that again sometime' in which I hit him in the arm and ignored him of course it happened again next week in the same lesson.

We watched some TV at 12:00 after Gracie and JJ went upstairs again for an hour, they really couldn't keep their hands off each other. I tried to sit away from Simon but of course the minute he came in Harry left the room to grab snacks leaving a free space for the prick. He laid across the entirety of the couch and leaned his head against my lap and stared up at me. 'flattering angle?' I asked quizzed he stared at me for another second 'nah you look hot still' I face palmed 'fuck off' he giggled like a school girl 'your eyes a pretty' I didn't insult him because his face had softened and he didn't look defensive so I decided to not fire back. I screwed up his hair and smiled 'your eyes ain't too bad either Minter'.

[A/N] I've written 2 chapters within like 3 hours which is actually good I get distracted very easily anyways its 3:33 am and I'm gonna try sleep also the gif of Simon at the top is hot x

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