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'JIDE!' I screamed through the hallways as I marched into the sidemen house, 'hey baby what's up' Simon walked over giving me a peck he then leaned in to carry on and the kiss deepened but I put a finger to his lips. 'I'm not here for you' he stuck out his lip. 'please just come into my room for 5 minutes' he pleaded 'TOBI, ETHAN!' I yelled an they both came running out 'take this beggar away I have a task and he distracting' they laughed pretending to hold him back as he struggled 'no y/n please' I giggled running away upstairs.

'Gracie motherfucking Harrison' I stormed into JJs room 'you should be with me on the way to work with me' She laughed 'I text you saying i would meet you there' I shook my head 'I saw it now come on' Gracie just kept giggling as I pulled her out of the sidemen house and on our way to work. 'everything okay y/n/n' I nodded 'you sure?' I hit my head against the wheel as we reached a traffic light. 'Gracie...' I groaned 'I hate it and myself for this but I think' i turned to look at her 'I feel it' she smiled 'you love him'.

I tipped my head back 'but I don't want too and yet whenever I look at him I am so sure but I think he doesn't feel the same I mean we haven't even had sex so how can I be sure.' she giggled beside me 'sex doesn't mean shit to whether or not you love him' I shook my head, 'fuck' we both laughed and pulled into the car park. 'come on dickhead'.

I couldn't stop thinking about him all day and it was pissing me off, every second I spent I was thinking of being next to him again, it was way too soon to feel like this. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket I glanced at the message I miss you come over after your shift. Minter. I smirked and shook my head I was only there earlier I felt my phone buzz seconds after. That was quick. I don't care I want a cuddle. I rolled my eyes he was always so stubborn. fine. But only for 1 hour. I put my phone back in my pocket but surprisingly it buzzed again Please don't say fine it makes me worry x I smirked and left him on opened.

I was getting so stressed throughout the rest of the day rambling to Gracie who just laughed at me like I was an idiot which I kind of was. My shift ended and I couldn't help but sprint to my car and I'm pretty sure I was speeding some of the time but I didn't care. I've never pulled into the drive way so fast. I tried my best not to look like I was speed walking to the door. I softly opened the door so he wouldn't hear me . I tip toed through the house and into his room he was laying on his bed so I jumped on him. He wrapped his arms around me pecking my nose. '1 hour only minter' Simon let out a groan 'no' I giggled and leaned in pausing before kissing him, he sighed and we just started kissing.  

We sat up in sync and I lifted his top over his head, he helped me lift my top of my head and my hands explored his torso. 'y/n' he whispered 'are you sure' I nodded and we both took off the rest of our clothes.  I laughed into the kiss and he followed. I moved and moaned as I felt the first thrust, 'fuck' I leaned onto his shoulder. I felt his hands move up and down my back. 10 minutes later we were both letting out an extremely loud moan that the boys probably heard. I rolled onto my back breathing heavily. I smiled looking up at the ceiling thinking about the last 15 minutes. 'I'm going to get some water' He pulled me close to him 'then round 2' I hit his chest 'no but yes' he smirked and I rolled my eyes putting on his t shirt before walking out.

I was filling up a glass when 6 boys moved around me, 'so how was it' I spat out my water 'HAROLD' He shrugged his shoulders 'I- I am not having this conversation with you' I tried to walk away but Jide stood in front of me. 'seriously though everything good?' I furrowed my brows. 'huh?' He held my shoulders 'no force?' I nodded 'my choice Jide' He pulled me in for a hug 'good otherwise me and Gracie would have to kill him' I ruffled his hair 'like the strong man you are now, if you don't mind I'm off for a round 2' The boys just laughed shaking their heads.

[A/N] trying to update as much as possible I'm so sorry for this shit x

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