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'Well um babe I wanted to take you on holiday but y/n said no' JJ said the last bit in a bitter tone. 'y/n/n' Gracie held her hand to my shoulder but I shrugged it off. I shot her a look and she understood everything. 'Is something wrong?' JJ asked I could see Simon trying to make sure he didn't go too far. The other boys were also leaning slightly forward with concern. Gracie shook her head 'nothing' JJ stood up and moved towards me 'then what is your issue' I wanted to punch him because he didn't understand but I spoke in such a deadly calm tone it was scarier than sarcasm and yelling. 'I said no. And that means no so I suggest you leave my home' I could see his anger rising 'KNOCK IT OFF' Gracie's yell broke our gaze. We both looked at her 'JJ I will be at yours in an hour or so y/n sit down now' The others got up to leave 'I'm not a fucking dog' I walked over to my room but Simon grabbed my arm I looked up at him and his eyes were almost pleading. I froze as he let go and left with the boys.

'y/n... it would only be a week or so I know you don't like being alone but' I stopped her 'NO... no you can not I do not want to be alone please Gracie you know I won't be able to take it' I looked up at her tears swelling in my eyes 'please' I let out one last breath 'y/n I'm going to go but I'll send one of the boys too check up on you' She hugged me and I cried into her. Around 15 minutes she left me there crying alone watching shitty tv. 

Josh's pov 

'Fucking prick!' Jide yelled walking into the lounge with a bowl of crisps Simon hit his chest 'Hey! don't be horrid' Jide gave Simon a look 'Just because she's the girl you've been in love with since we were year 7 doesn't give you the right to defend her not me' This was strange the 2 of them arguing was always a rare sight. Almost at the right time Gracie waltzed in. 'JJ enough' I liked the way Gracie could sort JJ out it always made me glad he had her. 'Seriously you too?' He huffed crossing his arms and the look on Gracie's face was slightly concerning me. 'JJ this is more serious than you think' Gracie let out a sigh and sat down next to me. 'look guys, y/n doesn't do well on her own so when you wanted too take me away she couldn't handle it the longest we've been away from each other was 3 days and it didn't go well.'

'What do you mean didn't go well?' Simon quizzed. 'She attempted suicide...y/n doesn't go well with being with her thoughts they can be quite self deprecating, she always worries I won't come back because she tells herself she isn't enough for anyone' Gracie finished but she had some tears falling down her cheeks. I rubbed my hand across her back trying to comfort her always being like a dad. 'We won't go' Gracie smiled at him 'no that's not why I'm here. We are going to go but as long as you guys' She looked around at me and the other lads. Her gaze fell on Simon 'you have to go see her every day' Simon nodded 'I'll just go live with her for the week' Gracie was now smiling, genuinely smiling. 'remember she's fragile' Simon looked at his feet. 'well she is the girl I fell for' I could tell he knew he shouldn't of told Gracie but it was too late. She was about to walk through the door when she turned back. 'Tell her then idiot' I watched his confusion and happiness both grow.

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