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I groaned and slowly fluttered my eyes open to...darkness? I leaned back and saw Simon still asleep. 'Morning love' I laughed as he looked somehow peaceful yet confused. 'Morning' he slowly opened his eyes. I rolled over and out of bed. 'Si I need a post that ain't just me or Gracie come here you owe me a picture.' He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him squealing. 'SIMON' yr laughed at me 'take the God dam picture' I did as he said. 'Can you put me down now?' I asked he pushed forward and we fell onto the bed together laughing. 'This isn't too bad is it now?' His voice was husky and not going to lie it was hot. 'Terrible' I replied with sarcasm.

I looked him up and down I could feel neither of us wanted to move. We just sat him on top of me although somehow I couldn't feel his weight. 'Enjoying yourself?' I smirked. 'Yes as a matter of fact I a-' Simon didn't get to finish. 'Guys ready to OH MY FUCK YA'LL ARE FUCKING SHIT UM AH' Jide turned back around and ran out screaming. We laughed and followed.

Liked by miniminter and 986,543 others y/n:l/n guess who❔

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Liked by miniminter and 986,543 others
guess who❔

Gracie:Harrison: wait actually who tho
miniminter: uhm excuse me
Ksi: fam I feel special I know
Fan7: looks like simon
Behzingram: tell usssss
Random2: does she have a boyfriend
Random09: date me instead baby

I cringed at some of the weirdo comments. 'Seriously who is it?' Gracie asked I shrugged. 'I needed a post that wasn't us I just asked Simon' Gracie raised her brows 'sure' she winked at me and I slapped her arm. 'Shut up dumbass' the boys headed home a couple hours after JJ announced Simon and I were having sex which we were most definitely not. Unfortunately.

'GRACIE' I yelled leaving my room she was sat watching kick'in it we literally got Disney + 2 days ago and shes obsessed but fair enough. 'Yessss' she leaned herself backwards over the sofa. 'I don't know just thought I'd yell' I moved over to the kitchen searching the cupboards. 'You and Simon?' She asked in that tone. 'Dude you always know that Simon and I would never happen' she laughed I'm pretty sure it was at me but I ignored it. 'I meant dip shit do you like him?' I tried to lie but I was never great at it. 'so you do?' She asked again. For the second time I shook my head 'don't be stupid of course I don't like him' I got out the biscuits and begun stuffing my face 'y/n/n I'm your best mate I know you're lying' I just stuck up my middle finger.

It had been 3 months since we started our little Friday night meet ups, 3 of my songs had been number 1 and 7 top tens which was really good.  I was starting to get recognised in the street which was nice but sometimes not so much. It was a Wednesday meaning no work for Gracie or I. Gracie was currently sat in her room and I was in the kitchen working on new songs when seven boys charged into my home. They all sat on the sofa without even saying hello. Rude. 'what the fuck?' I asked spinning round. 'So...' Jide begun. 'I'm here to ask you something' I nodded surprised at his sudden outbreak but listened. 'I want to go on holiday with Gracie just you know me and her but I wanted to see if you could help o-' I cut him off instantly 'no' It wasn't just him the looked taken aback it was all the boys. 'no you won't help or?' Josh asked me 'no you are not going on holiday with her and that's final.' I replied flatly Gracie had heard voices and walked out of her room. 'Wait what's going on?'.

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