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beep beep. The sound of my steady heartbeat  from next to me, Simon's soft hand brushing mine. I fluttered my eyes glancing over to him he was fast asleep. I smiled to myself I stroked my thumb across his hand and he jumped up suddenly aware. 'Y/n' he sounded breathless and tired. He smashed his lips into mine grabbing the side of my face I could feel how tense he was. 'Someone missed me' he chuckled lightly leaning his forehead against mine. 'I'm glad you're okay' I shook my head. 'Look how soft you've become minter' the doctor walked in breaking us apart.'miss l/n everything seems fine you just had slight dizziness causing you to faint and be out for a couple hours. You are free to leave and I recommend drinking water' we both nodded and Simon drove me back to the sidemen house.

I walked in and Gracie tackled me to the ground 'I'm glad you're okay I missed you, what happened?' I grinned at her. 'Nothing just low blood pressure and I got dizzy and fainted I'm fine Gracie' Simon ran in balancing some water 'drink up' I rolled my eyes and felt his hands move around my hips, and his head leaning on my shoulder. 'you're so short' he whispered from next to me 'shut up' . I mean he wasn't wrong and especially next to him I had to go on my tip toes to kiss him. I slowly but surely drank the water to keep him off my back. The rest of the boys made sure I was okay and then headed up to their rooms. I ran to Simon's room and heard him laugh but his footsteps following me. 

I laid across his bed which made him giggle when he strolled in, He rolled next to me and start playing with my hair. 'you're beautiful you know' I hit him 'since when did you become this soft' He shrugged 'guess it's just something you're doing to me huh l/n' I laughed moving to sit on his chest. 'this. Us it'll work right?' I asked my voice cracking a little. 'It'll be us to the end y/n/n, there's no getting rid of me' I moved up kissing him so softly and shortly we both beamed. 'fuck, y/n' I laughed. 

1 month later

Everything between Simon and I was good, we still hadn't had sex but the teasing element was still there all the time. We could be out with everyone and all it takes is a simple whisper, Gracie and I were basically living at the sidemen house but made sure to spend at least one night a week back at ours for some us time. Right now it was 10 am in the morning and I moved over to see Simon awake and filming I smirked at the camera knowing he didn't know I was awake yet. He was playing gta with Josh,Vik and Ethan. I slowly moved over to his desk and grabbed his shoulders yelling boo, causing a high pitched yelp to rip from his mouth and his car spun off. I giggled and took the controller starting to play.

I managed to get back into 2nd gaining 2nd place for Simon which made him smile, I left him to it for the next 20 minutes and when I came back he was screaming at the monitor and how he wasn't turning. He finished in 18th meaning he was pissed. He disconnected from the call and game without another word. I walked over leaning my chin on his head. 'bad game?' he chuckled getting up to stretch 'you could say that' I wrapped my arms around his stomach 'well do you wanna have a shower to wind off, I could use one' I looked up and watched his face get excited. 'wait like together?' His voice felt so happy it made me happy. 'yeah' He yanked me to his bathroom making me giggle.

We both stripped down and I walked into the shower adjusting the temperature Simon's cold hands sent goosebumps around my body and he snaked them round my waist. I turned to face him he wasn't looking at my body but at my eyes. 'you know you're perfect' I rolled my eyes and caressed his cheek. 'and fuck everything about you is gorgeous' his eyes looked me up and down. I leaned up to kiss him but it ended up being more intense. He picked me up not breaking the kiss, I wrapped my legs around his torso as he slammed me into the wall. We were being messy and sloppy because we were both just trying to get as close as we could. He sucked on the sweet spot of my neck causing me to let out a little moan. He looked back at me 'you're mine and I am yours completely and utterly yours' I searched his eyes getting lost in them and he was doing the same until we both started the intense kissing again. It didn't go any further but I could feel it would soon. There was no way we could keep it up not with this much sexual tension.

[A/N] back to daily updates x

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