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I chucked my bag to the floor when I entered the apartment 'THAT BOY I SWEAR' I looked over at Gracie who was currently giggling on the sofa. 'don't laugh dickhead its not funny' she stood up sorting out her trousers. 'actually its hilarious because everyone else can see the sexual tension just you can't' she came over wrapping her arms around my neck. i huffed 'that's such bullshit' we both just chilled for the rest of the night watching our favourite films but I couldn't help but think about what Gracie had said. sexual tension, sexual tension my ass.

I was heading into the studio today as I had an idea for a new song. 'bye Gracie see you later!' I stood with my hand on the door handle waiting for a reply 'shove you!' I smirked at no one in particular 'shove you too.' now the reason we would always say that was because I didn't believe in love so I hated it when people said I love you. At the start of our friendship I told Gracie this and she started to say shove you instead and through this whole time it just, stuck. I got an uber there and you won't believe what I saw. Walking into front desk I saw that stupid group of boys and a few more people with cameras. Jide was the first person to catch my eye in which i smiled and quickly looked away. I tried to sign in as quickly as possible but of course Charlie the kid at front desk always wanted a conversation. 'hey y/n you working on the track you forwarded us the other day?' I nodded 'mmhmm I've finished the extra verses' I finished of my signature and pushed past Simon. 'it sounds good' he yelled after me 'my songs always sound good' I turned shouting back when i was facing him. 

I was flicking through my notebook tweaking lyrics when the 7 boys walked through the door with Micheal with them. 'hey y/n these boys are filming a video for their youtube channel and seeing as you are the only artist in and recording so do you mind me explaining the controls whilst you sing?' I nodded and slid the notebook across the desk 'that's calm just letting you know the pitch and what not I planned it out' I smirked grabbing my headphones. I could see through the glass him explaining what each control did as I sung. 'two times round?' he requested through the mic 'yeah thought you'd say that so didn't try as hard that time' This time I watched the boys stare as he actually controlled the beat.

'baby no more showing up when you're not sober, at my front door just too say you're alone tonight. yeah, tryna fuck me and my mind up, it's a reminder, you're a liar and you know I'm right. you say you can't live without me, so why aren't you dead yet? why you still breathing?'

I made my way out of the booth and sat with Micheal and listened to what he had come up with, changing a few bits here and there but other than that it was good.'right we done?' I asked eager to get out of the room where I had his eyes burning into me every second. It pissed me off. 'yeah it should be alright, come back tomorrow and we will properly finish it off.' I smiled at him getting my stuff together. I turned back to the boys all just sat there 'oh and good luck, with your youtube thing' they all smiled and a couple of them said thank you obviously not Simon what a prick. 'Bye y/n' Charlie waved at me as I left but I decided to stay for a second 'the name of the boy group?' he seemed nervous 'p-pardon?'I smiled at him 'what's the name of the boy group here?' I knew he was easy to get information from he looked down at the sheet in front of him. 'sidemen why?' I smiled at him before heading out 'was just curious, thank you Charlie'.

I headed home and got straight onto my laptop searching up sidemen when I spotted it. A youtube channel I started watching one of the videos and I could see both Simon and JJ with the other boys from today and as I watched I laughed out loud then reminded myself that it was Simon and he wasn't funny. Although I could see how people would enjoy their content. I was about to subscribe but stopped myself. No. No because minter and everything about him was wrong.

[A/N] Okay so 2nd chapter how cute I'm actually writing this during corona so I can release them easier cause I'm cute like that ok lol please vote I'm desperate ;)

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