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'Morning si' I looked up at him and he looked tired. 'I still can't believe you did all that for me last night' I said reminiscing last night at the ice cream place. My dress now hung neatly one side of my wardrobe. 'I can't believe it worked I was shitting myself' I giggled and started playing with his hair 'since year 7 we've hated each other so what now' he was stroking my hair too 'we never really hated one another if we're honest but now I guess boyfriend and girlfriend too see if it works out' his tone suggestive 'too see if it works' I lay my head on his chest listening to his heart beat.  'It will work because I'm never letting you go never again, I lost you for 2 years and it was terrible' I smiled into his chest. 

We were heading to the sidemen house to let everyone know but we were pretty sure they had guessed seeing as Simon didn't come home. We walked through the door and Harry picked me up spinning me round 'I TOLD YOU' I giggled 'put me down dickhead' Ethan's laugh filled the room 'I mean we did tell you' I stuck up my middle finger as Simon's hand snaked around my waist making me get butterflies which was a feeling I secretly hoped would never go away. 

'so what we doing today bitches' I giggled 'shopping' Gracie answered like she had prepared the answer all day, 'you boys don't have to come but me and my girl are going shopping' she swung her arms around my shoulders, 'ooh I'll come' Tobi spoke up and I smiled the boys ended up chiming in one after another claiming they were joining us. I decided to sit in the car with Simon on the way there holding his hand.  I tipped my head back onto the seat  I rubbed my thumb around his palm 'Are you sure about this, once we're in public if someone sees us' He squeezed my hand 'if someone sees us then someone sees and we will be public' I groaned 'why the fuck are you always so nice' We laughed.

It was so nice to go shopping with the boys as they struggled to be sensible it made it a lot more lighthearted, Simon spent the whole time flirting with me and teasing now he felt like he could do it publicly. 'okay Tobi this top or this one?' I questioned holding up 2. He hummed pointing to the first 'definitely that one reds your colour' I grinned 'thanks Tobi'. Gracie waved at me from across the store and I smiled. How the fuck did both of us end up like this, dating two best friends that we've known our whole life. Nothing felt real anymore. Black splodges started to blur my vision and I couldn't pull my thoughts back to reality. shit. darkness.

'y/n!' I heard Simon's voice ringing over and over in my ears he sounded like he was crying and then I felt it, water droplets on my face, he was crying. I kept trying to open my mouth to talk to him to tell him I could hear him but I was frozen my entire body. I then heard Gracie yelling but her voice full of aggression and fear. Maybe this was it for me, maybe my body was giving up and I would die. For the first time ever, I didn't want to die, I was happy in life. Please for fuck sake. Not now.

[A/N] IMPORTANT okay so I thought about carrying this on and I am going to but I am only going to be updating a chapter every Sunday for sure and then any other day if I can because my main focus is on the maze runner book in my drafts sorry x

𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 [𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛] ✔Where stories live. Discover now