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Miniminter It's been good y/n we'll have to shag for a week straight again 🤩Tagged:@y/n:l/n

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It's been good y/n we'll have to shag for a week straight again 🤩

Y/n:l/n oh for fuck sake
Y/n:l/n: let's make it clear we did not
miniminter: @y/n:l/n why you lying baby
Y/n:l/n: @miniminter STOP IT
Vikkstagram: it's actually love
y/n:l/n: @vikkstagram NOT U TOO
wroetoshaw: cuties
Y/n:l/n: I will throw another pillow at u @wroetoshaw
Fan0: they're defo together
Hater: why would he sleep with her lol

He was leaving today we were about to leave to go pick up our bestmates from the airport but it was almost sad our week coming too an end. 'A hug for your husband whilst we get a sad divorce' I laughed and fell into his arms. His lips brushed my forehead. 'Its been good little one' I looked up 'yeah big one' he hit my shoulder.

On our way there it felt like time was slowed like the world wanted us together a little longer. He moved his spare hand to mine and we interlocked. 'Thank you by the way' he nodded 'I wouldnt have it any way'. I was tapping my feet and becoming fidgety I was about to worry when I saw her. Well actually I saw Jide first his huge smile plastered across his face. I ran engulfing Gracie in a hug whilst Simon hugged his bestfriend. I leaned back 'dont you look fucking tanned' she giggled and it had never felt so good to hear. 'You were okay the whole time?' I nodded. 'We have alot to talk about'.

'WAIT SO YOU KISSED?' she was grinning like a fucking idiot and clapping. 'Well no it was milliseconds' she ran from her sofa to mine 'IT COUNTS'. I shrugged 'but what does it mean?' Gracie was on her phone typing pretty fucking fast. 'NO DONT TELL ANYONE' she laughed at me 'I'm telling jide were going over and you are telling him you like him' I started shaking my head 'no no no Gracie nooooo' she was grabbing my hand pulling me to my room. I Iie across my bed 'please don't make me do this' She just shook her head and started using my mascara. finsishing off by chucking it at me. 'put that on' I sighed but obliged.

The next hour to 8 pm went way to fucking quick and I spent the whole time pacing. Gracie drove and I started biting my nails. Tonight was the night it all went wrong, almost perfectly on time the rain started hammering down. She pulled in to the drive and Simon walked out to greet us. Gracie pinched my arm as we were about to walk in, 'uhm Simon could I speak to out here' He nodded 'in the rain though' I smiled 'yeah if you don't mind.' I took in a deep breath and we shut the door to JJ and Gracie hugging. We both stood there the rain soaking us in silence, 'so what's up?' I pinched my leg and went for it.

I pushed my self towards him grabbing his face and kissing him. I only did it for a second or 2 before pulling back realising he didn't want it. His hands trailed to my waist his eyes looking up and down my face. I was so sure he was about to get upset but he didn't he just pulled me back in. Our tongues fighting for dominance but I let him win because this was it we were kissing I was kissing the boy I liked. We stopped and our foreheads leaning against each other, breathless. It all hit me at once. I stepped back and muttered 'shit' He looked genuienly scared. 

'what's wrong?' I started shaking my head. 'I shouldn't of done that I'm sorry' I went to go to the car realising I didn't have the keys. 'y/n wait. You should of because one of had to at some point' I wanted to cry 'no we shouldn't of because now what now we're just fucking friends again right?' He shook his head 'no no we can't just be friends' I laughed 'then what Simon?' I sighed 'what is this?' he looked down then meeting my eyes. 'love, isn't that what its called'. I shook my head 'fuck you, minter' I moved to walk away. 'y/n, please' I was crying by now but the rain had covered it all my mascara probably running down my cheeks. I caressed his cheek. 'I'm really sorry I just won't be able to take the heartbreak' I walked away trying so hard not to look back. I walked all the way home still crying when I got home.

JJ's pov

We watched the whole thing through the window and as she walked away for some reason I watched my best friend fall to his knees probably crying but not visible through the rain. I held Gracie close to my side and she let out a big sigh. 'I knew this would happen.' I turned to her in shock 'what? how? why?' Gracie shook her head 'because she's terrified of heart break especially from him the one person she actually feels love for'.

[A/N] I'm so sorry :( 

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