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Simon's pov

If y/n thought I was going to give up that easy she was wrong. I spent the night discussing with Gracie some date ideas I had. After 2 hours and many wasted paper we had come up with a great idea. I headed off to bed transferring some money to my main card. I slept well knowing I would get her back. I wasn't going to stop until I had her.

y/n's pov

Gracie walked in grinning the next morning. 'what' I snapped at her she just shook her head still grinning 'nothing' I was about to get angry but I dug my nails into my palms. I knew it nothing was her fault I just get hot headed. She sat next to me opening her arms. I gave in leaning onto her lap. She stroked my hair making me relax a little. I let a single tear roll down. 'I tried I'm sorry I tried but I couldn't Gracie I'm scared, I'm fucking terrified especially him if he broke me I don't know if I could take it' She nodded  'Take a risk y/n/n think about it, you smoke right what a fucking risk of lung cancer yet him is a risk take it see where it goes because I don't see it going wrong' I tried to smile. 'I know you don't like it I know baby but if it all goes south I'll still be here and we will be back to square one. Maybe go talk to your mum about it' I nodded. I didn't know if my mum could help as she had mild dementia so I don't know if she'd remember Simon but worth a try. They say one day she will forget everything. The thought terrifies me.

I was walking out the door when Gracie called after me 'BE BACK BY 6:30 THOUGH' I was extremely confused but made a mental note as she probably needs me for something. The drive was an hour and upon getting there my dad was waiting outside with a smile. 'hows my little baby' he smacked a kiss on my head. I followed him into the lounge where my mum was knitting like such an old lady. I walked over giving her a hug and moving over to where my dad sat to snuggle up to him. 'So I need your help' My mum nodded 'anything for my little girl what's up honey' I exhaled 'do you remember Simon?' The question was mainly focused to my mum but my dad nodded. 'the one from your high school who you always had a crush on but you lied about' I chuckled nodding.

'well he recently entered my life again and for weeks we've head a great friendship and he supported me with stuff like the thing on the news you saw, but last night we kissed and I ran away scared my hearts going to get broken and I'm very confused on what I do' my mum stopped knitting for a moment pausing. 'When I first met your father we went on 18 dates before anything official because my previous relationship they cheated and I thought your father would too. It took me losing my own father so unexpectedly to realise that time was going to be precious and I had to cherish it and use it too the fullest, luckily your father was still there even after 18 dates and look where we are my point is...I'm sorry I've forgotten what I was going to say' I smiled at her 'no I understood' My dad chipped in. 'and what happens when you don't have him I'm guessing you feel lonely?' I nodded 'That's how I felt without your mama' They shared a look that twinkle still in their eyes. I stayed and had a well needed catch up with my parents and before I knew it the time was 5 and I really had to go. 'I love you mum' My dad walked me too the front door. 'sweetheart I think today really helped her you know' I knitted my eyebrows together 'what do you mean' he rubbed my shoulder 'her dementia is getting bad she's starting too forget people you may need too start coming down once a month' I was biting my lip to hold back tears 'yeah I can do that' We embraced 'I love you my little y/n/n' My voice was muffled into his chest 'I love you too dad'.

[A/N] Its 3:34 am and I am tired goodnight x

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