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Gracie and I went home at 4 pm after arranging with the boys to come round next week at the same time and to do it every week we could. Obviously Gracie and JJ would continue seeing each other whenever but as a group. We would also see them on a Tuesday night when they came to the cafe at 8 till 10 the time it closes for 2 hours. So my worst nightmare was happening I had to spend 2 days a week with Simon Minter. Fuck.

I had spend the next week  recording new song ideas and it was all going well. It was Tuesday meaning the boy's would be here in an hour, I was serving one of our last customers with Gracie when I remembered how shit I looked. I rushed to the bathroom and started organising my hair making sure I looked okay. Then scolding myself because there had been no one to look nice for, no mater how my body begged and it did because don't get me wrong Simon was so hot and I knew if I told him I wanted him I could have him but that would mean we would have sex and nothing would ever be the same. We could never have sex so teasing would have too do for now.

I smoothed out my apron heading back behind the bar because we were closing soon I turned over the sign and rung the bell. Customers started to file out waving goodbye and smiling of course I would fake smile back because I wasn't a dickhead and of course right on time the 7 boys came and walked passed me waving smiling all saying hello in their different ways. Gracie had already greeted Jide with hugs and stupid kisses. I was going to go serve but a force tugged my arm. A little old man who was just leaving 'hello mam' he waved and I smiled a genuine one though. 'hey how can I help sir?' he pointed to the door and too the boys 'do you need them to leave' I giggled 'no they are meant to be here' I smiled at him and he nodded. I helped him out because I thought it was sweet.

I turned to see Simon right there extremely close, I look up at him as I was quite a short person especially next to him 'c-can I help?' I asked stammering because I wasn't expecting him to be there. 'yeah' I gained some of my sense back and rose an eyebrow. 'well you haven't spoken to me since Friday' I smiled 'awh does that bother little Simon' he just rolled his eyes 'little?' his voice laced with sarcasm 'you're literally tiny' I hit his chest and laughed 'I am not you're just big' I then creased my forehead knowing he was going to use this to his advantage. 'yeah you're right there' he leaned into my ear 'maybe you should check it out' I smirked ignoring his comment 'I'm just saying I'm not that little' Simon grabbed me and lifted me over his shoulder.

'SIMON PUT ME DOWN' I struggled but honestly I knew there was no point he had me. I could here the boys laughing as Simon took me out back. He put me down but I was against the wall and he had his arms either die of me. I was trapped. shit. 'You look good today' I looked away but he took my chin and made me look at him. I tried to think of what I could do but then it came to me I would play his game. His shirt was hanging slightly from his body so I slid my hand up it. I dragged my hand against his abs I looked right his eyes the entire I felt him tense as I got lower. I got to his waistband and I rimmed my hands across it not breaking eye contact. 'two can play that game' I ducked under his arm and walked in smiling.

Gracie winked at me and I stuck up a middle finger. 'right normal boys?' They all nodded and I walked over to the kitchen to be joined with Gracie. 'what happened you have to tell me' I giggled and pulled her behind a machine. I explained everything in detail and she squealed so loud I had to hit her. I laughed 'but it's just teasing' She ran to the other side of the counter and turned the music full volume. It was playing build me up, buttercup as she started dancing. I gave the boys drinks and just watched her. 'I NEED YOU MORE THAN ANYONE DARLING' she was singing and I was doubled over laughing 'its love' she ran towards me spinning me causing me to fall onto Harry. I met his and we giggled at the same time. Not for long before Gracie was pulling me to dance with her. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Josh recording on his phone but I smiled it off. Once we had finished dancing Gracie went and sat with JJ whilst I scrolled through my phone. I was having a bunch of followers through and it was because Josh posted on the sidemen story the video of us dancing and the boys giggling with the caption 'just our weekly sidemen meetings'. I looked over at Josh and smiled. Re-watching it I watched Simon laughing his legs still crossed because of earlier. His smile was cute.

[A/N] IMPORTANT So not straight away but in future chapters there may be triggers for some so like smut, self-harm, suicide mentions and mental illness so this is just a warning as I know some people don't like it x

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