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Tonight was it. Tonight was the night I had Simon Edward Minter in my apartment just the thought made me shudder but at the same time made me kind of giddy.  The boys would here in 10 minutes Jide was already here and I was hidden in my room because Gracie and him were on the sofa probably kissing. I was doing what I mostly did aka scrolling through tik toks smiling and not really laughing but letting extra air through my nose. Those kind of vibes. Please let us in the text from Ethan came through I laughed quite loudly so that they could hear me next door. 'Hello my lovelies' I opened the front door to be met by 6 grinning lads.I first hugged Ethan and Harry as they were stood at the front of the group. Simon looked almost disappointed that I had hugged the other boys. I got round to him and I wasn't sure whether or not to hug him he just opened his arms 'come on then' I laughed and gave him a hug. We didn't hug often because we never really had a need too. His long arms wrapped round me as he whispered in my ear 'I saw you at our spot last night' He leaned back his eyes full of concern 'you good' I brushed it off and nodded 'I always am'.

'what we watching?' JJ screamed I giggled 'only my absolutely favourite series' I smirked as Simon spoke up 'the maze runner' Gracie and I both snapped our necks to him 'how did you..?' He just walked over to me swinging his arm round my shoulders giving me deja vu to last week when he did this. 'Ignoring the fact you know that, yes we are so shall we' I indicated to the sofas which everyone hopped onto. I was left with the same type of sofa Jide and Gracie were on which only had room for 2 possibly 3 if you really had too. The other 6 boys piled onto the main long sofa that was until Simon got up to come sit with me. Well this was going to be either horrid or great.

 I intended on winding Simon up to the fullest so we were only 10 minutes in to the first film when I turned to him smiling. 'can I not hug the boys' I watched him freeze 'no you can I just...' He paused momentarily like he didn't want to admit something. 'yeah why would I want other boys touching what is mine' I rolled my eyes at him, 'Minter I will never be "yours" ' I turned around so he couldnt see my subtle smile. We were under a blanket and he used that to his advantage as he pressed himself against me. My focus on the film completely vanished. I could feel Simon's breath against my neck as he whispered into my ear 'you good?' I knew the answer was yes but I didnt want to move to much so I made a slight nod.

The entire film my focus was off because the whole time I had Simon poking into me and his breathing heavy down my neck. My whole body covered in goosebumps. His hands were hovering over my entire body 'one day y/n' it then dawned on me he was getting revenge for the stunt I pulled the other day. I mentally got my shit together and turned around so I was now visibly not watching the film. 'Something to tell me?' I leaned in so that he could feel my breath against his lips but I then leaned back again as I moved away he leaned with me and I smiled I had done it. I had him wrapped around my finger again.

[A/N] Think when I put this up I'll put the next one up straight away x

𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 [𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛] ✔Where stories live. Discover now