Ch. 22 - You Could Be Mine

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"Do you really want to be
with a monster like me?"


Chapter 22 - You Could Be Mine

▪️J A D E▪️

It was a gloomy and windy Sunday morning when I arrived at the private shooting range that Dominic owned.

Jee-min had been bringing me here for as long as I could remember. For the last few months, we had begun training with a variety of larger calibre weapons.

Quintin accompanied us today, since he needed to work on the aim of his long-range shooting. As we walked over the frozen leaves, we made our way over to our designated positions.

"Now remember what I said about the difference in the trigger pulls between the first shot and the second shot, you've done this hundreds of times. You just need to work on being patient," Jee-min instructed me.

I ended up favouring the Beretta M9, it was such a sexy firearm, I shit you not!

There was a long trigger pull on the first round, with the subsequent pulls being shorter. As such, it was taking me longer to master this gun than I would have liked, but I was determined to make it my bitch.

"Jade? Patient?" Quintin snickered as he lay on the ground, his eye lined up with his scope.

"Shh! Don't distract her!" Jee-min reprimanded.

Taking a deep breath, I fixed my stance as I held the gun in both hands. I exhaled calmly before I began firing at the moving target board in front of me. Even though my shots on the bullseye always connected, I wanted to be as precise as possible with the first shot, needing to impress Dominic.

The recoil of the gun excited me each and every time I pulled the trigger. It gave me such a rush ever since the first time my fingers felt the cold metal between my palms.

Jee-min had once told me that the sensation I felt was due to the weapon taking a part of my soul captive. He claimed that a person would only get it back if they used the gun for love, for protection and defence.

This was fine by me; I would gladly give a part of my soul to keep those that I loved safe.

After firing the first bullet, I dropped the hammer on the Beretta M9, then pushed the safety back up. This allowed me to shoot using the long action trigger pull once more. There was an almost rhythmical sound to the clicks as I repeated the motion until I ran out of ammo.

"Very good!" Jee-min stated as he made me do it again.

In the beginning, I was confused as to why he had me repeatedly push the safety back up. However, I soon understood his reasoning. The first shot, as I quickly learned, was the most difficult one to fire due to the long trigger pull that the Beretta M9 had.

Since it was the only round out of the fifteen in the magazine which fired like that, it was the shot that was usually practiced the least. Jee-min wanted to make sure that I was as efficient with the weapon as I could be, and as such, I had been practicing repeatedly with the first round.

Where the subsequent shots were concerned, I quickly showed my ability to hit the target in a consistent spot, as the shorter trigger pulls were easier to manage.

Keeping my form, I repeatedly dropped the hammer and pushed the safety back up, firing continually as the target board moved in front of me. There was no doubt in my mind that Dominic would have to recognise all my hard work.

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