BC. 4 - Till Sex Do Us Part

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"Whatever my wife desires,
I aim to please..

- Dominic

Bonus Chapter 4:
Till Sex Do Us Part
(The Calvetti Wedding Part II)

▪️J A D E▪️

Dominic and I stood by the altar; our eyes locked as we silently devoured each other. The officiant cleared his throat, breaking us out of our trance as we turned to look at him.

It was a short but sweet ceremony, and my favourite part had been our vows.

I had memorised the few lines, loving the way Dominic's pupils dilated as I spoke the words straight from my heart, meaning each and every one of them.

"Dominic, you made certain that I would never love anyone else but you. Without knowing it, you captured my soul and I willingly return to the sweet pain that you bring me. It nourishes me and lights my entire body aflame. I love you and can't imagine living life without you at my side. I give you my heart and my guns, forever to be yours."

When it was Dominic's turn, being a man of few words, naturally, his vows were shorter than mine. However, that did not make what he said any less powerful.

"Jade, you are my first and my last everything. I would burn the world for you if it meant seeing you smile. I will love you forever and do everything within my power to protect you until my dying breath."

We then kissed, and boy was it a long one!

In front of our mafia family and those closest to us, we kissed as though nothing else in the world mattered. As for in that moment, nothing else did, as Dominic and I sealed our union.

While we locked lips, two men with flame throwers appeared behind the altar, spewing fire into the air, the flames roaring as it soared high.

Everyone stood and excitedly cheered us on, while some fired their guns in the air. When we slowly broke apart, we then proceeded to the reception which would take place in a private ballroom within the hotel.

We were all seated in an elegant dinning room, enjoying a lovely private dinner. Our wedding cake was simple; it had two tiers with a white and purple ombre effect in buttercream frosting and the inside was a white champagne cake with more frosting between the layers.

There was also a dessert table with an assortment of treats as, believe it or not, bloodthirsty mafia men loved their sweet treats.

Seriously, I kid you not!

It was kind of cute, seeing big brooding males like Vincent and Aleksandr grinning as they devoured chocolate donuts and sprinkled cake pops.

When it was time to throw my bouquet, I purposefully flung it at Quintin who was sitting next to Vincent. The look on his face was absolutely priceless when it landed on his lap.

Then, when it came to the garter toss, I had to hold back from moaning as I sat down in the middle of the dance floor with all our guests looking on. My fingers gripped the side of the chair tightly as I tried to keep a straight face.

While Dominic had all but buried himself under my dress, his lips sucked the inside of my thigh before sneakily taking a lick at my exposed womanhood. He had asked me not to wear any panties, and being the good girl that I was, I listened.

After stalling under my skirt for as long as possible, my husband pulled my garter down my leg with his teeth.

I had asked Dominic to aim it at Aleksandr who caught the piece of purple lace by reflex as it flew straight towards his face.

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