Ch. 64 - Choke On It

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"I've missed that disrespectful
mouth of yours."

- Dominic

Chapter 64 - Choke On It

▪️J A D E▪️

The air was full of my grumbling as I trained with Jee-min in the gym at the Calvetti residence.

"Come on, move those limbs faster!" the Korean instructed as he attacked.

I managed to block his punch but did not react fast enough as his foot collided with the back of my knees, causing me to fall to the floor. Before he could kick me while I was down, I evaded then immediately retaliated, forcing him to back off.

"Nice recovery. Again!" Jee-min stated before he came at me once more, charging forward, not holding anything back.

During the last ten months, my training had been even more intense.

Things between us had returned to normal, our bond stronger than ever. Jee-min was back to his old grumpy and pushy self, and while I was happy about it, my body protested about the intensity of his new training methods.

Because apparently, he had not been killing me enough.

We continued our hand-to-hand combat training for a while before our session ended. Sitting on the ground next to each other, we panted as we drank our water.

I was the first to break the silence as I said, "I don't think I ever told you how much I appreciate you."

Looking at me, Jee-min replied, "There's no need."

"No really, you've been an amazing teacher and friend to me all these years. It's because of your training that I was able to get away from José," I spoke freely, no longer hesitant to say the Mexican's name around him.

"I'd like to think that if you really took my training seriously you would have killed him," he smirked as he teased.

Rolling my eyes at him, I stated, "Yes well, that would have required me to stay in captivity longer."

"Hmm... That might not have been a bad idea, the place was really quiet without you," Jee-min winked at me.

"Why are you so always so mean!" I playfully slapped his shoulder, "Don't act like you didn't miss me!"

"Of course, I did, but you know, I have a reputation to maintain after all," he ran a hand through his damp blond dyed hair.

Pouting, I crossed my arms over my chest and frowned at him.

Laughing softly, he confessed, "It's good to have you back, Jade, and I'm really impressed at your progress these last few months. A bit sloppy in some areas, but that's nothing new."

"Yes well, unlike you, I'm not part machine," I countered.

"But you're getting there..." Jee-min complimented before he asked, "Do you think that you'll have a birthday party this year?"

"Honestly? I haven't really given it much thought. I think Dominic wanted to do something with just the two of us," I replied.

Deep down, I did not think that I was up for a big party, at least not yet.

"Understandable," Jee-min said as he got up, "I know you'll have a good day. Well, that's if you allow yourself to. At least try to enjoy it this year? Blaire would want that..."

I nodded as I watched him smile at me before leaving the room.

Sighing softly, I remained sitting on the floor for a few more minutes, silently thinking over everything that had happened since I turned twenty-one. I would be turning twenty-three soon and it was amazing how much had happened between then and now.

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