Ch. 35 - Mind Blown

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"You're threatening a mafia boss?"

- Dominic

Chapter 35 - Mind Blown

▪️J A D E▪️

Dominic and I idly chatted throughout dinner.

When it was time for dessert, I squealed in delight as I noticed that it was one of my absolute favourites.

"I just love red velvet cheesecake, mmmnnn!" I briefly closed my eyes and sighed while savouring the delectable taste, "I must thank Vincent for this lovely dinner, he really outdid himself."

Frowning slightly, Dominic stated, "I'm not sure that I'm fond of you moaning while mentioning another man's name."

I grinned as I finished my dessert. Using my tongue, I slowly licked my fork clean, teasing him while playfully speaking in a fake porno voice, "Oh Vincent, this dessert was just so divine!"

With a snarl, he abruptly stood up, "Birthday or not, don't push it!"

Gosh, he was so easy to rile up. I loved it!

Biting my lips, I slowly rose from my seat and walked over to stand behind him. Smiling, I ran my hands over his shoulders as I kissed the side of his jaw, my fingers gripping him tightly as I leaned forward.

"And you talk about me and my jealousy," I teasingly whispered as I licked the skin just under his ear.

Dominic visibly trembled, his usual reaction to whenever my lips or tongue touched his bare skin. He closed his eyes and let out a ragged breath, trying to calm himself as I felt tiny tremors continue to course through him.

"I want to taste you," I suddenly said as I moved around to lock my gaze with his, "have you ever, you know...?" my voice trailed off as I silently questioned.

"Have I ever had someone's bare lips wrapped around my penis?" his voice was husky as he boldly finished my sentence.

Nodding, I bit my lip as I held on to his hand and led him from the balcony back into the bedroom. The light from the lanterns cascaded the area in a romantic glow. With unhurried movements, I began to remove his jacket, pushing the expensive material off his shoulders.

"You know I haven't," Dominic answered, breaking his silence.

Of course, I knew it. But my ego wanted to hear him say it and my eyes lit up as he spoke. My eagerness was obvious as I kicked off my heels, then continued to run my hands over the front of his white shirt. Letting out a harsh breath, my fingers twitched with excitement as I removed his tie.

Needing to get some clarity on a few things I was curious about, I bravely asked while slowly undoing each button, one by one, "So... Will you fuck me like the others? Do I get to touch you?"

Dominic watched as I removed his tie, then took off his shirt. His eyes closed for a moment as my hands ran over the exposed skin of his muscled chest. A soft growl escaped his lips as my fingers traced over his shoulder tattoo. I loved tracing the letters over his skin with my fingers, there was just something so sensual and soothing about it.

Reopening his eyes, he looked at me and said, "No, Jade. I won't fuck you like the others, at least not entirely."

"What do you mean?" I enquired before moving my lips to kiss the side of his neck.

Even though Dominic tolerated me touching him, I had never been allowed complete access as I would have liked. That was why I needed to find out where I stood, as I knew better than most how volatile he could be. While I understood that he would never openly lash out and hurt me, I would rather not take any chances in souring the mood.

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