Ch. 58 - Out Of Time

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"I should've known that he would
burn this city to find you."

- José

Chapter 58 - Out Of Time

▪️J A D E▪️

I was laying in my bed when José burst into the bedroom.

The sudden slamming of the door against the wall startled me as I had been pretending to read a book in bed. My eyes were blankly staring at the pages while I was secretly planning how I would escape with Cristiano

"What the..." I sat up and watched as the Cartel boss stalked over to me.

"Get up, put your robe on!" José ordered before grabbing me by the upper arm.

He all but dragged me out of the bedroom and down the stairs into the large living room where Cristiano, Roberto, Felipe, and a few other men were watching the late-night news on the large flat screen TV that was mounted on the wall.

It was then that I saw the headline, 'Property of Mexican businessman José Hernández García Attacked!' flashing brightly across the bottom of the screen in a never-ending loop.

My eyes widened slightly as I watched the crumbling remains of the large house belonging to the Cartel boss. According to the news, the incident had taken place about an hour ago. The structure looked like it had been bombed and the property resembled a war zone instead of an upscale Miami residence.

Half of the building was a pile of rubble while the rest of it had been set on fire.

The men who were residing within the compound had been killed and their bodies were burnt beyond recognition. The security at the entrance of the community claimed that it had been a convoy of policemen.

They had briefly described a pale man with silvery white hair and intense blue eyes among those involved. It was thought to have been a police operation gone wrong.

"Dominic..." I said his name softly upon hearing the description.

José tightened his grip on my arm as he snarled, "It seems that I underestimated that freak! I should've known that he would burn this city to find you."

The Cartel boss was fuming as he cursed under his breath, his dark eyes locking with mine. He silently stared at me for a moment, seemingly mesmerised by my green eyes. As José briefly got lost in thought, he unconsciously pulled me closer to him while he apparently blocked out everything else in the room as he focused intently on me.

From the look in his eyes, it seemed to me that now more than ever, he intended to keep me for himself, if only so that he could torture Dominic.

When the high-pitched voice of one of the news reporters on the TV in the background began talking about a possible drug war, I watched as José shook his head and continued speaking, his voice full of conviction as he brought his face closer to mine.

"It's a good thing I had the sense not to come back here immediately from the hotel," he said, his nose nearly touching mine.

Standing my ground, I did not move as I continued to listen to him.

He pulled back a bit, a look of confusion crossed his face as his brows creased, "I don't even want to know how they managed to cause such damage. The place looks like it's been hit with a tank!"

In that moment, I could not help but giggle, knowing that Dominic more than likely dragged that ridiculous anti-tank gun all the way to Miami.

"Oh, you think that's funny huh? Well let me tell you a joke, it'll take a lot more for them to find us, my dear. Unknowing to the Miami Police, I let them think that I had been staying at the house. I would then use a small yacht to travel between the two properties. I will always be one step ahead!" José said with a smug look.

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