BC. 2 - Just Like Fire

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"Always so impatient..."

- Dominic

Bonus Chapter 2:
Just Like Fire

▪️J A D E▪️

"Are we there yet?" I asked for the millionth time.

Dominic exhaled deeply as his gloved hands gripped the steering wheel. I knew he was annoyed, but it was my birthday today. As such, I was allowed to be extra bratty and he could not do anything about it.

I snickered at the thought, poor bastard.

Letting out a sigh, I tried to relax. Even though I had turned twenty-three years old, I did not feel any different.

It felt odd not to celebrate my birthday with a big flashy party, which had been the norm over the last few years. But deep down, I knew that I was not ready; Blaire's absence would still be too painful.

Maybe for my twenty-fifth, who knew.

Pursing my lips, I turned in my seat as I admired how sexy Dominic looked in his dark purple suit. My eyes then moved to observe the smooth features of his pale face. A part of me could not help but be curious as to what he had planned for me tonight.

I had spent a quiet day at home, then Dominic had taken me to dinner. We had gone to this new fusion cuisine restaurant I had been eager to try. After we had eaten, I was expecting us to just go back home and fuck, God knew I needed to feel him inside of me.

However, my man had other plans.

With a grin, I questioned again, my voice playful, "Are we there yet?"

"You know, birthday or not, keep purposefully aggravating me and I will pull the car over and spank that ass raw!" Dominic grumbled.

My smiled widened as I bit my bottom lip, a small shudder passing through me as I contemplated my options. Either way, I knew that I would get a happy ending before the night came to a close.

If it was one thing with Dominic, he always made sure I was well satisfied.

Deciding to behave myself for now, I settled back into my seat and enjoyed the rest of the ride.

About an hour later, after crossing the city borders, Dominic parked outside of an abandoned theme park. He did not say anything as he took off his gloves then got out of the car and proceeded to walk around and open my door for me.

Stepping out, I adjusted my dark purple bodycon dress, my wedge heels crunching as I stepped onto the gravel. Taking his hand, I allowed myself to look around.

The theme park was large and clearly very old as my green eyes glanced over the rusty conked-out rides in front of me. The place looked like it had been abandoned for decades. Which was not surprising, given that it was out in the middle of nowhere.

I would be lying if I said that I was not slightly baffled.

The light from the full moon above illuminated everything around us, casting spooky shadows in all directions. There were overgrown weeds everywhere, and the painting on the old billboards gave the characters an eerie look. It was as though their bulging eyes were following you with every step you took.

"Why are we here, Dom?" I asked with a nervous chuckle.

Pushing me up against the side of the car, Dominic leaned his face in, his blue eyes seeming to glow, "I thought that we could have a little bit of fun..."

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