Ch. 36 - Ball And Chain

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"I feel like I got kicked in the vagina..."

- Jade

Chapter 36 - Ball And Chain

▪️D O M I N I C▪️

The scent of the ocean drifted in through the open balcony door of the bedroom.

I had just taken a shower and I was wearing a dark-blue hotel robe while sitting up in bed. Doing my best not to wake Jade, I had snuck back in next to her and smiled as she immediately curled up into my side.

She had not woken up once since having passed out from exhaustion.

A small grin twitched at my mouth as my eyes looked at the various bruises and love bites across her body. I caused those, she was mine, and seeing them upon her smooth skin made my ego swell.

Miraculously, I somehow had fallen asleep next to her. A first for me, sleeping next to another person. However, I only slept for about three hours before my body had had enough.

I had never shared a bed with anyone before. But then again, Jade was not just anyone. She was someone who had become most special to me, and in the last two years she had managed to worm her way into my heart.

Even though I had been apprehensive about her touching me, I knew that I had to trust her. It was the only way we would be able to work. When her fingers had slowly begun to explore my skin, I found myself giving her a side of me that I had never shown anyone else.

We were an unlikely pair, yet so perfectly suited, complimenting each other in every way.

Two damaged souls, coming together.

Jade saw something in the darkness that was in me. She had claimed that there was something that spoke to her and called her to my side. She had accepted me for who and what I was, and willingly loved me, not wanting to change anything about me.

In turn, I must admit that I saw that very same darkness staring back at me every time I looked into her beautiful green eyes, and I too was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. There were no words to described how I felt about her, but all I knew was that she was mine.

Last night, I had finally told her openly that I loved her.

It felt good to say the words out loud and I particularly enjoyed the way her eyes widened at my declaration. Jade knew that I loved her, and knowing her I figured she would never push me to say it out loud. However, deep down, I knew that hearing the words would permanently solidify our union.

That and I loved shocking the shit out of her. So, going forward, I planned to randomly tell her that I loved her when she least expected it. It might probably come in handy for when she was angry.

I chuckled at the thought.

As I continued to watch Jade sleep, the tender twinge of my manhood reminded me of how wild and rough last night had been.

She had all but fucked my penis raw, and even when her body was clearly tapping out after being thoroughly sated, she was still greedy for more. And of course, being the generous man that I was, I obliged.

I could not help but think about how much I wanted to ruin her for every other man.

Silently, I promised myself that by the time I was done with her, she would be so bruised and sore that there was no way she would ever forget the feeling of me being inside of her body. Based on the way she repeatedly screamed out my name last night, I could say with satisfaction that I was well on my way to keeping that promise.

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