BC. 5 - White Christmas Wish

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"I'd do anything for you..."

- Dominic

Bonus Chapter 5:
White Christmas Wish

▪️J A D E▪️

This year had been so good!

The Aelbank City mafia alliance was as strong as ever and our holdings had been steadily increasing due to our successful expansions.

Today was Christmas day!

Raeni and Da'mon had invited all the mafia heads and those closest to us over for what they promised to be a very Caribbean Christmas celebration.

After much convincing, I got Dominic to relent. We would usually spend Christmas at the Calvetti residence, and since no one was ever allowed on the compound we had never spent Christmas with any of the other mafia heads. I had always wanted to partake in some of their celebrations over the years, but Dominic had always declined.

Since Dominic and I had become a couple, I was slowly trying to get him to open up. We would be married next year and I had already told him that I would be inviting guests over for Christmas to what would now be our home.

At first, he had been adamant about not allowing such, given that this was how he had always been. But Dominic was not the distant and closed off man he once had been and as time went on, he slowly began to make small changes. To the point where the other mafia heads could now come over to the Calvetti residence for some drinks and BBQ by the pool.

They were not allowed inside of the house, but it was progress.

Of course, he was still reserved, but at the very last minute, Dominic agreed to come over for Christmas lunch. This was something that had shocked us all, myself included.

"So good that you guys could make it! Please, make yourselves at home," Raeni had gushed as we entered into the large house.

Everyone we knew was there, even James had flown in from Ireland, bringing with him some delicious mince pies and Guinness porter cake, which I could not wait to dig into. As we hugged each other tightly, he whispered in my ear that he had brought some tricolour drink for me to taste.

Apparently, it was a drink made with green creme de menthe, vodka, and gold whiskey. He told me that if I could survive that, I could live forever. I only had to promise not to let Dominic catch me with it. To which I grinned and nodded.

The delicious aroma of foods had my mouth watering.

It truly was a large feast; the table was packed with all sorts of different types of things. I honestly could not wait to try a bit of everything. Raeni's cousin Mikayla was a famous Caribbean food caterer and had flown in from London. Mikayla had helped prepare a number of dishes, and as a result, the various foods consisted of a mixture of Jamaican, Haitian, and Trinbagonian cuisine.

"There she is!" Hannah screamed as she ran over to me.

The feisty blonde was Mikayla's best friend and was a very popular wedding planner also based in London. She was the owner of an event company called Cupid's Queue and had been responsible for a lot of celebrity weddings.

Of course, with Mikayla being related to the Dixon family, she and Hannah had been responsible for the amazing wedding Raeni and Da'mon had last year. Since I was a fan of their work, I had decided that Hannah and Mikayla would be in charge of my wedding as well.

Grinning, I hugged her back tightly.

Mikayla immediately started complaining, "Quick! Run and hide everyone! Hannah and Jade have been reunited; may God save us!"

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