Ch. 45 - Two Pink Lines

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"This is real life. Shit happens."

- Blaire

Chapter 45 - Two Pink Lines

▪️J A D E▪️

"I've brought yummy food!" I announced as I entered James' condo.

While arranging the croissant sandwiches on a tray, I discreetly handed Blaire a small pharmacy bag and whispered for her to go into the bathroom. I had grown impatient at my best friend's blatant procrastination of getting a pregnancy test and decided to take matters into my own hands.

The anxiety over not knowing was getting to me.

Secretly, I hoped that Blaire was pregnant, knowing that it was something she truly desired. I allowed herself to momentarily think about what it would be like to be pregnant with Dominic's child and I felt a slight tugging in my chest.

Even though I knew it was not possible, I was glad that at least if we ever decided to have children in the future, we still had options.

After a few minutes, the bathroom door opened and the raven-haired young woman nodded with a small smile. Knowing what the simple gesture meant, I internally shrieked and ran up to Blaire. We excitedly embraced each other and squealed, ignoring the curious looks of the bodyguards around us as we hugged in the living room.

"I'm so happy for you!" I said softly with a big smile on my face.

Blaire dragged me into the master bedroom and closed the door behind us so that we could talk with some more privacy.

"I can't believe that I'm going to be a mother!" she exclaimed in a hushed tone, "You have to help me plan a way to tell James."

"Of course!" I said eagerly as we stayed in the bedroom for a few minutes to continue to talk.

We both agreed not to speak about the pregnancy with anyone else. It would remain a secret between the two of us for now. We hugged one final time before going back out into the living room to enjoy the croissants.

It was around mid-afternoon and we had been lazing around for the last few hours, watching Netflix and idly chatting. The condo had Irish bodyguards as well as Jee-min and some other Calvetti men doing periodic rounds throughout the building and performing perimeter sweeps.

"I swear James is overdoing the security now!" Blaire complained to me about the increased number of body guards.

Scoffing I said, "I know right! I practically had to beg Dominic to let me leave the house. He kept saying that O'Doherty's place wasn't as safe as his residence. But I reminded him that he doesn't allow guests and I needed to come comfort you. I actually think he was contemplating letting you come over, that's how much he didn't want me to leave," I ended with a soft chuckle.

"Wow! I guess this entire situation has all of them rattled huh?" she asked.

"Very much so! I think they all feel unnerved for being caught off-guard," I commented.

Blaire rolled her eyes, "Their egos! I mean I love Raeni but they need to realise that they aren't superheroes, they aren't invincible and can't be 100% effective all the time. They're human after all. It would be almost unbelievable if they always came out of every situation unscathed, this isn't a scripted movie; this is real life. Shit happens!"

Laughing softly, I replied, "Yea, tell that to them, they don't want to hear it."

"Speaking of the mafia, I'm so happy that Dominic finally relented and is allowing you to join," Blaire clapped her hands happily, "I mean, after seeing you in action like that he'd be stupid not to! And let's not forget that kiss! Holy shit! I was so surprised when he did that, basically telling the world that you guys are together."

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