Ch. 37 - Coming Clean

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"I was brave until I got flipped over
on my knees with my ass in the air..."

- Jade

Chapter 37 - Coming Clean

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

"Fuck yea, right there..." I moaned before my lips were devoured in a heated kiss.

I should have been getting dressed for work, but I was lost in a soul-searing kiss that was stealing my breath and I could not tear myself away from their addictive lips. We were so caught up in each other that we did not realise someone was approaching the door until it was too late.

"Quin, you won't believe how amazing last night..." Jade said as she barged into my bedroom, her words faltering at the sight before her, "...Was."

There, in front of her, I stood pinned against the wall.

I was shirtless, wearing only my black trousers and a pair of socks. Vincent's left hand was buried in my hair while his right hand was down the inside of my pants. We were caught in the middle of what was a very passionate make-out session.

Shit, busted!

"I told you we should have locked the damn door when I came back in!" Vincent grumbled as he buried his face in my neck, biting down on the skin.

Closing the door quickly behind her, Jade loudly locked it before moving to sit on the bed, openly staring at the scene before her. She giggled as she watched my already flushed face which I had no doubt was becoming even redder with each passing second the longer she continued to gawk unashamedly at Vincent and I.

"No need to stop on my account, I've been telling him to go after you for years, Vin!" Jade grinned as she watched how my body was trapped between the wall and Vincent's larger frame, "Damn, the two of you look so hot together!"

"Jaaaade! Stop getting turned on!" I groaned out in annoyance at being interrupted.

Pushing himself away from me, Vincent turned to look at Jade, his face composed as he asked "How was last night? I take it that the boss is in a good mood? He sounded different on the phone this morning."

"It was amazing! Thank you so much for putting everything together," she smiled as she continued, "and I do believe that Dom shouldn't be too grumpy today."

"Good, because I should have already been down in his office," he said, as he glanced at his watch before quickly tucking his shirt into his pants.

Vincent shocked me as he moved to kiss my forehead before grabbing his jacket off the bed. I did not expect him to be so open in front of Jade and I allowed myself the pleasure of watching his muscles strain against his white shirt as he shrugged himself into his jacket before he shot Jade a wink then left the room.

Before the door could even properly close, Jade looked back at me and squealed, "Oh my god! How? When? Huh?"

Running a nervous hand through my already dishevelled hair, I moved to the bed and laid down next to her, a dreamy sigh escaping my swollen lips.

"It all happened so fast, I don't even know where to begin," I said shyly.

"Erm, how about at the beginning?" Jade teased as she turned to lay on her stomach, her chin resting on her palms.

Laughing, I proceeded to tell her about my night with Vincent.

'Everything had begun after Jade and Dominic had left for her birthday dinner. Like most nights, I had found myself aimlessly roaming the halls of the Calvetti residence whenever I found that I had trouble sleeping.

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