Ch. 39 - We Found Love

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"I'm Irish! Of course, I want children!"

- James

Chapter 39 - We Found Love

▪️B L A I R E▪️

For the last two months, I figured that things in Aelbank City were relatively peaceful as James seemed more relaxed than usual.

I was sitting with my laptop at the desk in James' bedroom, video-chatting with Jade. As usual, our conversations were full of energy and I smiled as I watched her pretty face on the screen.

"University is not the same without you!" I complained with a slight pout.

Wrinkling her nose at me, Jade countered, "What are you talking about? I come sit in on some of your classes ever week, stop being so spoilt!"

"I can't help it, I'm greedy!" I giggled and continued, "I'm proud of you though. Just imagine, you'll be walking across the big stage in a few weeks! Be sure to give Dominic hell and make sure he keeps his promise."

"Oh, trust me, I will..." Jade exclaimed with a naughty look in her eyes.

"How's that pretty pussy of yours doing? Better?" I asked, knowing that she had been pretty sore the other day.

Jade and Dominic had been at it like rabbits. They were clearly making up for lost time and I was all for it as there was no better feeling than having your lady parts pounded by the man you loved.

Plus, there was the added bonus of us finally being able to swap sex stories!

Nodding her head, she replied, "I did as you had instructed with the Epsom salt, was magic!"

"Told ya!" I giggled knowingly.

I was in the middle of talking about an upcoming campus party when James suddenly came up and hugged me from behind.

"Hi Jade! You girls can gossip some more later, right now I need to borrow my girlfriend," the Irishman said, his words coming out all at once as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I squealed as I hit at his back.

Jade laughed out as she replied, "Hi James. Bye James. You guys have fun!"

I knew that Jade left the video running for a while longer as I had yet to hear the disconnection notification. Though she could not see us, it was obvious that she could still hear, given that she was giggling and cheering me on while James dropped me onto the bed and kissed me as he attempted to have sex.

After a few moments though, I heard the notification, signalling that Jade had left to give us some privacy.

"That was very rude. I was in the middle of a very important conversation!" I exclaimed in-between kisses, as my clothes were hurriedly stripped off piece by piece.

"Well you know me, I'm known for lacking manners," James grinned, before curiously enquiring, "I couldn't help but overhear something earlier regarding Jade and Dominic. They're having sex? Are they a couple now or something?"

"Shit!" I cringed as my face paled. Pushing him away from me a bit, I said, "It's a secret for obvious reasons. So, you cannot tell anyone!"

Raising an eyebrow James scoffed slightly, "Are you shitting me? Do I look like I want to lose my head? I know that the other bosses make fun of me for doing stupid things, but I'm not that idiotic! I'm not about to go openly talking about something that isn't my business, especially if it involves Dominic Calvetti."

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