Ch. 38 - Sanctify

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"If you want to fuck a goat
be my guest."

- Dominic

Chapter 38 - Sanctify

▪️V I N C E N T▪️


I most certainly was, when Jade suddenly burst in and caught me kissing Quintin.

There was a slight smirk on my face as I left Quintin's bedroom. With quick strides, I headed downstairs towards Dominic's office on the main floor.

Having seen the bright eyes of Jade, the slight flush of her skin, and the exposed love bites on her neck, I knew without a doubt that her night had gone exceptionally well. Coupled with the fact that Dominic had not been on my ass for the morning already was proof that Jade was changing him, even if just a little.

Not to mention the fact that Dominic had been sleeping more, that in itself had been shocking for me.

For as long as I had known the man, Dominic had never been one to sleep much, getting a few short hours here and there. The way Dominic's day-to-day schedule ran was almost robotic. I was convinced at one point that the he had to be an android in order to function efficiently on such little sleep.

Of course, I was more than happy to see my old friend opening up, allowing himself to experience new things. Given what we had endured as young children, especially him, I knew that trusting people was almost impossible for him.

Watching my best friend give in to his emotions was like watching a man getting his freedom after being locked away for decades. There was just something about Jade that seemed to allow Dominic to have a bit of liberty. Releasing himself from some of that self-inflicted punishment that he had been subjecting himself to for years.

"Jade is most definitely Dom's absolution," I said softly.

Truth be told, I thought that perhaps Dominic may have backed out last minute.

After all, I have seen him skin the flesh off of men, made them eat their own body parts, and burn things to ash. Yet, when Jade asked him for a kiss on her nineteenth birthday, I swear, in all my time knowing Dominic, I had never seen him so rattled.

I chuckled softly while remembering the look on his face as he threw me his Maserati keys.

These last two years had been interesting to say the least. Watching Dominic and Jade fight their attraction for each other had been nothing short of hilarious at certain instances.

Even though I had known the man for over two decades, in all that time I had never seen him smile the way he did when he thought no one was looking. I never thought that Dominic, of all people, would be one to ever feel such romantic emotions.

Truthfully, I just did not think that he was capable of such things. I mean, it was to be expected, given the shit he had been through. Having been by his side for as many years as I had, I was privy to the way in which the harshness of the world helped to mould him into the unpredictable and violent man everyone knew today.

But deep down, I always knew that there was more to Dominic than the vicious monster he showed to the world.

We had been roommates at the boarding school, and though he had been younger than me he would be the one to provide comfort during some of our darkest days. A real monster would not have bothered himself with the likes of me. Although, I suppose that his own darkness recognised a kindred spirit within myself.

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