Chop Chop Master Dabber

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No doubt does Chop Chop Master Onion need his own game, because there's a lot of things in PaRappa the Rapper 2 that raises questions.

Hell, all of the songs in the game raises questions, but Romantic Karate raises the most.

Firstly, what the hell inspired him to go from martial arts to...romantic martial arts?

Oof well that actually sounds more violent than the former um...

Also, this dude invented the dab, which makes him even more legendary.

It seems like he's been in trouble with the police since PaRappa the Rapper 1 and Um Jammer Lammy. Maybe he crossed ways with Prince Fleaswallow, or didn't pay his taxes. What else would cause there lyrics?

Tamanegi flava
Wish I was a playa

I'm a tax payer
Need of a good lawyer

Maybe Pappy Rappy should ease off on his romantic karate lessons for a while.

Like a year.

Also, if all of the food in PaRappa Town was turning into noodles, wouldn't that mean that Chop Chop Master Onion's head would turn into a noodle?

Or...his entire body...


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