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Sing it loud to drown out the feeling
When you're feeling much more odd than (even)
And half as true as dishonoured seamen
We'll breathe Pacific and fight our demons.

My head was pounding, but, as my best friend kept reminding me, it was my "own stupid fault." I groaned and adjusted my sunglasses, sliding them back up my nose, the surprisingly bright sunshine almost blinding me as we walked out of the hotel and headed towards the coffee shop we'd seen yesterday, deciding to have breakfast there instead of with the hustle and bustle in the usually crowded hotel dining area.

We walked the little way to the shop in silence and I tried to keep my buzzing mind from thinking about the event that would take place early this evening. Andre was still dragging me along to this wedding, probably as a punishment for what I did last night and making him clean up, but he insisted, again, that it would do me good. I told him I didn't see how it could do me any good to watch my heart get stomped on by Jade's big, crushing boots, to which he just rolled his eyes and dragged me out of the bed I was trying to bury myself in, hoping to get tangled and lost in the sheets, never to see the light of day again.

I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my face as we got closer to the coffee shop. The large windows on either side of the door, which looked out onto the little patio area, were decorated with cobwebs and spiders with a little pumpkin sat in the middle of each in celebration of today- Halloween. Quite fitting, really, that Jade West had her wedding at such a time of year. No matter how much she said she despised the holidays, I knew the girl had a soft spot for this one in particular and couldn't resist doing something to mark the occasion. I still remember the time she managed to break into my locker and fill it with plastic spiders, scaring me half to death when I opened it before lunch. Her only complaint was that she couldn't get her hands on real spiders.

I was brought out of yet another Jade related memory by the tinkling of a bell. We had reached the door and Andre had pushed it open, holding it so I could go though first.

"Thank you, kind sir." I giggled at him, going to step inside only to have him whip his hand away, causing the door to come swinging back, almost hitting me in the face, if he hadn't been quick enough to block it with his arm. I gasped and jumped back, turning to glare at his smirk.

"Never do that again!" I scolded, swatting him playfully on the arm before letting myself in.

"What, you really think I'd let the door hit that pretty little face of yours?" Andre teased.

"I would, it might make some improvement."

A cold shiver ran down my spine and I couldn't decide if my heart had sped up to an incredible speed or just stopped altogether at the familiar, snarky voice that reached my ears. I know it had lodged itself in my throat again, making it extremely difficult to swallow the gulp I took as I turned on my heel to face the two people who sat in one of the window seats, the only reason I hadn't seen them there before being the many decorations blocking them from the view from outside. If I had seen them, I would never have stepped foot in the coffee shop.

Neither had changed much since high school. Jade still wore all black as often as she could but her hair was cut slightly shorter and was now a dark shade of brown as opposed to the pure black from before, the highlights also taken out. She still had the eyebrow ring and nose stud, both glinting at me in the bright sun shining in on us and her eyes were, of course, still the same glorious mix between blue, grey and green that had always captivated me since I first met her. Today they appeared just that little greener, making them seem softer, even under the scowl she now wore.

Across from her, still with that vibrant shock of red hair that was tied back in a ponytail today, sat Cat, the maid of honour, who beamed at us as she clutched her coffee mug. Tight white tank top, tiny jean shorts, bright red heals, Cat would never completely change from the bubbly, child like girl we knew and loved. How she wore that outfit today and not feel any cold, I'll never know. She motioned us over and, before I could refuse or protest, I felt Andre shove me squarely between my shoulder blades to get me moving, until I bumped into a chair and tripped over my own feet, my palms slapping against Cat and Jade's table as I managed to stop myself from falling flat on my face, but had my glasses slide from my nose.

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