20 - Finale

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Beck had just dropped me off after our 'opposite date', a term I decided I hated only shortly after it was coined, as it was still very much like a date, only without the nice date-like activities. There was a rush of different emotions coursing through me- annoyance at the nosey people at the vets, relief that, although Jade had found us, she said she was okay with it- not that there was anything to be okay with as Beck and I were just friends- and maybe a small ounce of happiness as, despite it all, it wasn't a truly terrible night.

But as I walked up to my door, my mind went back to its favourite place- Jade. Of course I was shocked, terrified in fact, when she and Cat suddenly turned up, although it did explain all the strange phone calls I'd been getting from the red head all evening long. We were innocent, I knew, but I still felt like I'd been caught doing something I shouldn't. Going out with the ex of the girl I'd been secretly seeing behind his back? As if this tale wasn't twisted enough.

Unsurprisingly, the door was unlocked and no one was downstairs. I rolled my eyes as I closed the door and clicked the lock in place; with the head of the house being a police officer, you'd think my family would be more careful when it came to security. I walked upstairs, hearing the muffled beat of Trina's music the nearer I got to the top followed by her obnoxiously loud singing as I past by. I reached my room only to find the door already slightly open, not enough to let me see in, but enough to let me know someone had been in, and were maybe still inside. I could only think of one person who pulled such a trick, so I tried to ignore the tingling rush of desire and dread as I pushed the door the remainder of the way, holding my breath in anticipation of what could possibly be to come, only to be comforted by an empty room, save for the pile of laundry I'd put in the washer this morning, clean and dry, probably brought up by mom as Trina was most likely to dump all my clothes on the floor to make room for her own.

I felt more disappointment than relief at the fact Jade wasn't in my room. I still felt the need to explain to her that there was nothing going on between me and Beck; I still craved her touch every time we were near, every time she crossed my mind. I chuckled to myself at my neediness, I should be ashamed, but longing often took over and became my primary want, forgetting all the rest. I moved the laundry to the correct drawers and hangers in the wardrobe before changing into my pyjamas and crawled into bed, my dreams filled with what the night would be like it Jade had taken Beck's place.

The next day, I just wanted to dig myself into a deep, dark hole and stay there. My friends were their usual selves, Beck being a little more on friendly, maybe, and greeting me with a charming story about applying ointment to his aunts dog, and Cat was just, well, Cat. It was like last night didn't even exist to her as she went into a story about her brother and their own pet dog.

The only difference, of course, being Jade. My slightly weary "Good morning!" went completely ignored as she stormed past with her coffee in hand and the deep scowl that often graced her features firmly in place. The rest of the day was spent acting as if I didn't exist at all, which made lunch all that more awkward when we both arrived late and were forced to sit beside each other, although I'm sure the continuious brushing of her thigh against my own was no accident.

When the bell rang for the end of Sikowitz's class, and the end of the school day, I knew this was my only chance. Wading through the thick crowds of students spilling out in the corridors, I managed to ditch the majority of my friends and grab a certain, pale, tattooed arm, yanking it and throwing the owner into the janitor's closet before she, or anyone else, knew what was happening.

"What is your problem today, Jade!" I hissed through the darkness, not daring to turn on the light when the thin window in the door had recently had its glass replaced and the bustling students that went by would easily be able to see inside.

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