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hi y'all be ready for this chapter shits about to go down :)
++ lyrics are at the end of this one!!

I was stuck inside a huge manor house surrounded by so many people I hardily knew or just about recognised from school and other such places. This was where the wedding was taking place as Jade had absolutely refused to be married in a church and the place was starting to fill with guests even with a couple of hours left 'til the wedding. Andre had gone upstairs to the second floor the minute we arrived; Beck was up there getting ready and he needed his best man by his side. Of course, Andre couldn't leave me alone in case I 'do something stupid' so I was now sat beside Robbie Shapiro, a boy I hadn't seen in years and yet nothing about him had changed besides one major thing- he was Rex free.

"Jade said I was invited if I didn't bring him along." The curly haired boy said when I asked him what had happened to the ill mannered puppet. "She promised to put the both of us through an industrial shredder if I even thought of letting him come to her wedding and I didn't want to risk it."

I rolled my eyes and nodded, knowing that is exactly what Jade would say. With nothing else to do but wait, Robbie and I took the time to catch up on each others lives since we'd last seen each other, only a year after school finished; it had been a while. I learnt that after school he'd gotten a job at a comic book store to help pay the rent at his new apartment while he looked for something else. One day he'd bought Rex along with him too, claiming the puppet had been bored stuck in the flat and he needed a bit of company as Thursdays were usually a slow day. Rex had been his usual self, belittling everything Robbie did, making stupid jokes, but unable to talk to any woman as Robbie told me hardly any ever came into the store. A couple of guys had over heard the pair arguing and thought it was so funny they invited Robbie and Rex along with them on a comedy tour across the country, and he'd been working with them ever since.

"That's excellent news, Robbie! I'm so happy for you!" I grinned once he'd finished his enthusiastic account, obvious proud of what he'd achieved. He also mentioned he hadn't had much luck with the ladies then added- waggling his eyebrows- that he hoped to get lucky with one of the bridesmaids this evening. I had a feeling I knew exactly which one he had his eye on.

And at that moment, said bridesmaid appeared, her emerald green and white dress askew and her still shockingly red hair a half finished mess as she barged her way through the crowd, making a beeline for me and Robbie. The bespectacled boy stood up, straightening his tie, but Cat barely spared him a glance as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, all the while gasping for breath.

"Tori! I need your help!" She pleaded, squeezing my fingers. "Please?"

"What with?" I asked in surprise, watching Robbie slump down in his seat again out of the corner of my eye.

"It's Jade. She's no where near ready and neither am I and I can't find anyone else to help her out so I thought maybe you could because you helped her with the hamburger but this time she can't get her boobs in the dress and she keeps yelling at everyone who tries to help-"

"CAT!" I shouted over her. The girl hadn't taken a breath since she started talking and I feared she may pass out. "I don't think it's such a good idea that I help her out-"

"Please, Tori!" Cat begged. "Jade's mad and she's already yelled at me four times! Please, I just need your help!"

I sighed. There was no chance anyone could say no to those big brown eyes, especially when they're staring up at you like you're the only chance to save their life. Reluctantly, I nodded my head. "Lead the way."

"Yay!" The shorter girl squealed before dragging me off through the crowd. I waved over my shoulder to Robbie who was still slouched dejectedly in his seat, just catching his tiny wave back before he disappeared from view.

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