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I was getting my books ready for my next class, humming merrily to the Ginger Fox hit Trina had been murdering as it played on the radio on the way to school, when my wrist was grabbed and I found myself being dragged into the girls bathroom, not even having a chance to close my locker door. Once inside, Jade kept a tight squeeze on my arm as she kicked open every cubical door, only finding Sinjin hidden away in the corner of one of them, who immediately ran for it the second he caught sight of the intense scowl that was gracing Jade's features. Jade shoved a trash can in front of the door as soon as he was gone, stopping anyone else from coming in, before she finally released my arm, turning to press her back against the uncovered part of the door and face me with a look of pure panic.

"I'm late."

I raised an eyebrow. "How? Break's not over for another-"

"NO!" Jade interrupted, smacking her palm to her forehead. "I'm late. It's that time of the month and I'm late."

My mouth fell open in a comical O shape as my brain slowly caught on. "Ooooh. You're late..." Then my jaw dropped completely as realisation hit. "You're late!?"

Jade nodded, her eyes darting all over the room. "I think I might be...."

I choke as she trailed off, knowing where it was heading. "But... but how?" I stammered.

"How do you think, Vega!?" She spat, narrowing her eyes at my dumb choice of question. "It's not like it could've been you! How dense can you get!"

As much as I was used to the remarks like this, it didn't stop the lash of hurt anytime Jade called me stupid. But I sucked it up, concentrating on the more important topic at hand. "I know that, I'm not an idiot. I meant, I thought you two were always, you know, careful... with, protection and stuff..." My voice had dropped to a whisper as I trailed off, something that, for some reason, made Jade smirk.

"You're still such a priss, Vega." I tried to protest, but Jade sighed loudly, running a hand through her already dishevelled locks. "We are careful, but, I dunno. I think I might have forgotten to take a pill that morning and he hates using condoms, and we just got caught up in the moment, you know..." I cringed slightly, hoping it would go unnoticed. "But, I've been feeling queasy ever since and if I am then it's going to ruin everything, my career, my whole life..."

She started pacing, the true terror at the prospect glowing in her eyes and showing in every frown line on her face. Her hand was continuously running through her hair, a habit she only ever used when she was stressed and her breathing had become so deep and shallow, she was almost hyperventilating. I'd never, ever seen Jade in such a state before, I didn't know what to do.

"A-are you sure you actually are?" I murmured after a while, breaking through the thick silence.

Jade stopped mid-pace, her hand flying into her bag, rummaging around until she pulled out a rectangular box, holding it out to me. "I... I don't want to take it."

"In case it's positive?"

"No, in case a flying monkey comes out and bites me on the ass when I'm using it!" I was almost glad for Jade's sarcastic response, showing she hadn't completely had a break down over this. "Of course 'in case it's positive'! What the hell am I supposed to do if I am! My parents are strongly opposed to abortion, they'd never let me have one. They'd kick me out if they found out I had. I can't put a child through the hell of adoption and who in their right mind would make me a parent? People are too scared to let me baby sit their kids! If I'm left to deal with my own child they'll turn out even more fucked up than I am!"

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