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I have so many things
I would like to explain to you
But I don't know just how to

The next morning, Cat bounced around my house before tackling me in another hug, saying she was going off to find a hotel to stay in. I quickly shot that idea down, insisting she stay here at mine, she was my friend after all and I knew that having her around for the week, I'd be able to pick myself up from the state I had gotten myself in.

It worked. My liquor intake depleted rapidly, mostly due to the fact that Cat wasn't big on drinking, but also because I was running out anyway. We actually went grocery shopping the day after she arrived, for real food, before I dropped my excuse of being ill and went back to work, while Cat went off to the meeting she was in town for.

That was her fault, actually. The studio called that very morning, asking if I were well enough to work today because we can't keep putting this off. Cat had answered while I was in the shower, telling them I definitely seemed better and she would make sure I was there asap, leaving me no choice but to go in and work. It was definitely a good thing; I was able to throw myself back into my music, which became very therapeutic, with me writing a song with lyrics and a meaning that was very different from what I had started out with. Andre would be proud; he always said music was the best medicine.

On Cat's last night, he invited himself over to my flat and the three of us ended up watching movies and eating tons of junk food, just like we would while we were at school. It was nice, if a little awkward at times when Andre would throw glances my way as if I were about to collapse sideways and start balling my eyes out at any given moment. I hadn't since he found me lying face down in the gravel of the manor house and I wasn't about to start now. Cat had been a great distraction for the week and I was going to miss it greatly when she left, but I figured if I had to move on, I best start now.

The third movie came to an end and Andre grabbed his jacket before hugging and kissing the both of us on the cheek.

"Don't forget to keep in touch, Cat." He reminded, slipping his arms into the leather. "I miss my little red headed bundle of fun."

"What's that supposed to mean!" Cat cried. Andre just shook his head, patted her on the shoulder and turned to embrace me.

"If you ever need anything, you know you can call me." He whispered in my ear.

"You've done enough." I murmured back, pressing my nose to his shoulder, taking in the mucky scent that was my best friend. Why couldn't I have fallen for him? He was so warm, so comforting. He wouldn't smash my heart into tiny pieces and step on all the shards. "It's my turn now."

He nodded and pulled away, bidding the two of us a final farewell before closing my door in his wake. I stared at the sleek wood with a half-hearted smile until I felt my wrist being tugged, as if a small child were trying to gain my attention. I looked down, momentarily startled to find Cat gazing back up at me, her thin, pink nailed fingers looking out of place wrapped around my tan skin.

"Tori?" It was a pitiful plea she used when she wanted to get her way. "Can I stay in your room again tonight? Like when I used to when we did The Funny Nugget Show. I miss that."

I couldn't help my smile turning into a full on grin at the memory of our random, 3am segment on TheSlap. "I miss them too." I replied quietly, slipping my wrist away from her grasp so I could thread my fingers into the small gaps between her own. "Come on, you. Let's have a sleepover, like the good old days."

"Yay!" Cat squealed in excitement. She'd changed into her pyjama's between the second and third movies, so she diving straight into my bed while I dressed in the small bathroom between my bedroom and the guests, which I used more as a study.

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