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Five rows back. I couldn't decide if this is much too close to the front or not as close as I wish to be. I was surrounded by unfamiliar faces, besides Robbie, who has taken the seat next to me, but I can tell who most of the people are here for. At the very front of my aisle I could see Jade's mother, someone who I met just once a long time ago and I know still hates my guts for accidentally spilling Wahoo Punch all over her white rug one day when Jade and I were studying... or meant to be studying. The row behind her contained Jades step mother, only here for Jade's father who would soon he walking down the aisle, and her son who was now in his teens. On the other side at the front were Becks family. His own mother, who I had seen a handful of times whenever we went around to Beck's RV, was quietly sobbing into her husbands shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her and smiled proudly up at the stage, at his son.

And there he was, in front of everyone, Beck. Black suit, crisp, ivory shirt, black bow tie, pants and shoes. His hair had gotten a lot longer since I last saw him, but the soft brown curls had been tamed and perfected, not a hair out of place. On his lapel sat a single white rose with green tips and as he stood, seemingly calm, his fingers kept running over and over the soft fabric that made up the fake flower. Beside him stood Andre, almost matching his outfit save for a deep green bowtie and no flower. His eyes skimmed through the crowd then rested on me, giving me a small smile.

I tried to smile back, but my heart wouldn't let it happen. I should be happy for them, proud to see Beck up there looking as handsome as ever, but instead I felt sick to my stomach.

Hardly half an hour ago, upstairs, I lay next to his wife to be, naked, sweaty, out of breath and desperately clinging onto some shred of hope. I should've begged her not to do this, I should've asked her to run away with me, but I didn't. I just got up, pulled my dress back on, straightened out my knotted hair and looked back over at her.

"It's your choice now, Jade." I said in a voice barely above a whisper. "You can get married, live with Beck forever and never have this happen again, or you can put a stop to this and be with me."

I didn't give her chance to reply then, I didn't want to hear it, I just opened the door and walked away, only just managing to avoid walking straight into Cat who was about to go and check on us. I told the girl to give Jade a minute, she'd be ready soon.

Suddenly, there was music, snapping me out of my thoughts and bringing my attention back to the present. In the corner at the front stood a small, yet wonderful organ which the organist in his deep blue suit now hunched over, playing the traditional bridal entrance song. Everyone else stood, I wobbled to my feet, and turned expectantly towards the arched doorway with its doors flung wide open into the hall behind.

Time seemed to slow as Jade approached. She looked stunning in a flowing, silky, ivory dress, the very one that had been crumpled on her floor not so long ago. Her hair fell in ringlets that bounced and brushed her shoulders as she took each careful step, her soft, elegant make up- done by Cat at the last minute so it was just perfect- brought out every striking feature, and most of all her eyes, which shone emerald green. She took my breath away.

Beside her, with their arms linked, was her father, a man I've only met once after I help Jade put on her play. Their relationship had been rocky, but Jade had told me that from that moment, when he admitted he liked what she had done, they were both making an effort to rebuild what they once had. While it still wasn't quite to that level- he still disapproved of many things Jade had done and she still hated his new wife- things were definitely a lot better and there was no mistaking the proud look he now wore as he walked her down the aisle. It made me feel even worse.

Behind them came the bridesmaids: Cat, looking as cute and pretty as ever, Beck's cousin who had recovered well from Jade shouting in her ear, and Jade's younger sister from her fathers' side, who, with her long blonde hair and hazel eyes, looked nothing like her older half sibling.

As they went past, Jade turned her head a fraction to her left, to me and in the brief look all I could read was I'm sorry. I stared after her, not even noticing Cat's beaming grin in my direction and her mouth a thank you for my help, which really wasn't any help at all, but she didn't know. All I could register was the hard knot that had twisted itself painfully in my stomach and the fresh sting of tears that were threatening to escape once again. This is it. This is it.

"Tori, are you okay?" I almost jumped out of my skin when Robbie whispered into my ear and placed his hand on my shoulder, guiding me back into my seat. All I could do was gulp and nod.

"She looks fantastic, doesn't she?" He continued in a hushed tone as the officiant began "Still scary, but fantastic."

I tuned him out along with everything else in the room. It was taking all my strength not to run, either away from this wedding, this place, and never look back, or up to the altar to tear Jade's hands out of Becks, to scream at him that she's mine and I love her then get on my knees and beg her to choose me instead.

Beck's mouth was moving. I couldn't listen to his words, his own vows dedicated to the woman he had loved for years. Things jumped out 'though thick and thin', 'despite every fight and break up' and I wanted to shout at him exactly where Jade had come running to with every one of their arguments, but I didn't. I couldn't even bring myself to stand up, so I remained like a statue in my seat, staring blankly ahead.

It was painful to hear the words "I do" fall from Becks mouth with such certainty and such love. It hurt to see him smile as the man in the black suit, white shirt and long black tie then turned to Jade repeating his question.

But she hesitated. Her eyes were not fixed upon the man professing his love to her, the boy saying he wished nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with her, but instead they roamed the crowd of anxiously awaiting people. It didn't take long until those shining emeralds met my own eyes, the fear and uncertainty clear behind them. I stared right back, my bottom lip caught between my teeth, willing her to say no, pleading with her one final time, as selfish and petty as it may be, before the eye contact broke and she turned back to Beck. She gulped.

Would you be depressed,
If I attend that wedding,
But only as a guest?
Such an unfaithful bride
Draped in a dress
Threads of my-

A/N: Don't hate me for the cliff hanger! You'll see why soon enough. Besides, it fits well with the flow of the song.

Review if you please, but don't be too harsh on me!

Much love.

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