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I've blown it once again
This would have been the last offense and
You should have been here months ago
With open arms and honest face
Address full doubt you've ever felt frustration, well I'm choking on it now
And it's the hardest thing for me to shake.

"So, you made it past the Balls of Pain?" Jades question was muffled as she caught my earlobe between her teeth, tugging lightly. "Yet you squatted to use their toilet?"

She came over the night after my first victory at The Gorilla Club, after she and Beck had had another little argument in my house. She said she didn't like the amount of time I was spending with her boyfriend and it took a lot of convincing to tell her that nothing was going on between the two of us and, in fact, I wasn't even enjoying any time with Beck, just looking at him brought up bad feelings in my gut. But here we were now, ending up the same way as we always do.

"It's disgusting in there." I murmured, my hands tracing patterns over her back. "Seriously, does the gorilla use it?"

Jade chuckled, her breath blowing over the damp bite now left on my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"You couldn't be a bad girl if you tried." Her finger followed the path of the shiver and my knees became weak. "You're far too much of a goody goody. You melt at the slightest touch."

My vision clouded over and a gasp escaped me as lips were attached to my neck, sucking mercilessly at my pulse point. I squeezed my eyes tight shut, watching the light spots burst behind my lids, trying to force back the whimper that wanted to escape.

"I can be bad." I breathed when I came back to my senses.

I felt Jade's tongue swipe over the forming bruise followed by her signature smirk against my neck. "Prove it."

I grinned, pulling back a little to slip my hands slowly up to her shoulders, teasing the curls of her hair that hung by her ear. Without warning, I shoved her back, developing my own smirk as she slammed into my mattress and her eyebrows shot up in surprise. I sauntered purposefully towards her, crawling over until I was straddling her hips, leaning so our bodies were pressed together, my lips just inches from hers.

"That all you got, bad girl?" She purred teasingly.

I closed the small distance between us, attacking her mouth with biting kisses before forcing my tongue between her swollen lips, meeting hers in a passionate dance for dominance, successfully shutting her up. It wasn't long before clothes were clawed from our bodies, nails leaving sharp red lines down soft, pale skin, or else marking a path back my back, making me hiss with painful pleasure.

"You're still not bad enough, Vega." She breathed against my still clothed breasts, teeth raking exposed flesh.

"Well." I sucked in a breath. "If I can't be bad enough for you..."

I trailed off and with great effort, removed myself for Jade, standing up and away from the bed in just my bra and panties, smirking at the equally undressed girl. My hand rested on my hip, an eyebrow cocked as I watched her throw her head back with a groan.

"Fucking tease. That's not bad, that's just plain cruel."

"Oh, yeah?" I laughed, reaching around my back, fingers squeezing the clasp of my bra until it popped open. The material began to fall away from my body just as my bedroom door came crashing open.

"TORI!" Trina hollered, barging in, paying absolutely no mind to me- stood in the middle of my room, clutching my loose bra to my chest for cover- or Jade, who was still sprawled across my bed, half naked. Through my utter shock and embarrassment, I noticed the large headphones covering Trina's ears and her closed eyes as her head bobbed along to the Ke$ha song she was playing at full volume. I breathed a sigh of relief.

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